UNIT THREE Patriarchs
I. The Timeline
Written history begins BC All patriarch stories.
II. Abraham
The Patriarch 1. Patriarch- Founding father of a group of families. II. Abraham A.
The Patriarch 2. Matriarch- a founding mother of a group of families. II. Abraham A.
The Patriarch 3. Abraham is the patriarch of three world religions. Christianity Judaism Islam II. Abraham A.
Covenants 1. Covenant- an agreement between God and God’s people. Blessed if you keep them, cursed if you don’t. II. Abraham B.
Covenants 2. Abraham and God make a covenant- Abraham will be the patriarch of Israel, and God will be their God. II. Abraham B.
Covenants 3. Abraham’s people also will get Canaan, a piece of land that is Israel today. II. Abraham B.
Father of Faith 1. Faith- a virtue from God that helps us believe in God and accept what God reveals. Abraham is famous for his faith. II. Abraham C.
Covenant with God II. Abraham D. StoryWhat HappensWhat is agreed to?Rate Abraham’s Faith (1-5) God makes a covenant with Abram Gen 15: 1-21 Hagar and Ishmael Gen 16: 1-15 Changing their Names Gen 17: 1-22 Promise to Sarah Gen 18: 1-15 Sodom and Gomorrah Gen 18: Gen 19: 23-26
III. Abraham’s Family Tree
AbrahamHagarSarah IsaacIshmaelRebecca JacobEsauRachelLeah Reuben Simeon Levi Judah Dan Naphtali Gad AsherIssachar Zebulun Joseph Benjamin
IV. Isaac and Family
Ancient Jewish Families 1. Family was extremely important in Jewish culture. Family honor is more important than individual honor. IV. Isaac and Family A.
Ancient Jewish Families 2. Everything you did was an extension of your family. You could bless or curse your family by what you did. Same with parents, children. IV. Isaac and Family A.
Ancient Jewish Families 3. Marriages were arranged for the good of the family. Spouses were often chosen from within the family to preserve the family values. IV. Isaac and Family A.
Birthrights 1. The oldest son had special privileges in the family Name is in the family tree Double-share of the wealth and family property. IV. Isaac and Family B.
Birthrights 2. Birthright- natural right to father’s blessing and property given to the 1 st born son. Esau trades this for soup! IV. Isaac and Family B.
Birthrights 3. God does surprising things in Abraham’s family. Abraham’s 2 nd son, Isaac gets birthright. Jacob, Isaac’s 2 nd son gets the birthright. IV. Isaac and Family B.
V. Jacob and Sons
Jacob’s Dream 1. God promises Jacob descendants and land in a dream Just like Abraham! V. Jacob and Sons A.
Jacob’s Dream 2. Jacob later changes his name to Israel. The nation of Israel, and Israelites are named after him. V. Jacob and Sons A.
Jacob in Love 1. Jacob falls in love with Rachel, and works 7 years for Laban to marry her. Laban = Rachel’s dad V. Jacob and Sons B.
Jacob in Love 2. After 7 years, Laban tricks him into marrying Leah instead. Jacob works 7 more years! V. Jacob and Sons B.
Jacob in Love 3. After marrying Rachel, he works 7 more years for Laban! V. Jacob and Sons B.
12 Tribes of Israel 1. Jacob has 12 sons with Rachel, Leah, and their two slaves. Become known as the “12 tribes of Israel” V. Jacob and Sons C.
VI. Joseph
Words to know 1. Providence- God’s plan and protection of all creation. Means that God has a plan for us! VI. Joseph A.
Words to know 2. Pharaoh- the king of Egypt Joseph interprets his dream, and saves Egypt. VI. Joseph A.