Education of Veterinarians Ron Johnson, DVM, PhD, DACVCP Ontario Veterinary College Toronto, ON November 1, 2011
Education of Future DVMs Are we adequately educating veterinary students regarding antimicrobial stewardship? “The emphasis on food safety aspects of antimicrobial use focuses on residue avoidance rather than resistance” “In all clinical teaching in Ruminant Farm Service in 4 th year, prudent antimicrobial use is deeply ingrained in discussion involving antimicrobials use; there is some discussion of AMR issues” “Pretty minimal and non-core; depends on interest areas of lecturer/rotation supervisor; no clear mandate exists on these areas”
Yes No Education of Future DVMs Prudent Antimicrobial Use Antimicrobial Resistance Health Canada Advisory Committee Report (2002; Can Vet J 2002; 43: ) #38: “Encourage Canadian veterinary colleges and associations to ensure that preventative medicine, prudent use of antimicrobials and resistance are given high priority in veterinary undergraduate, post graduate and continuation education programs”. Yes No Yes No
Educational Resources Available to DVMs Professional and Regulatory Bodies Canadian Veterinary Medical Association OABP Health Canada Canadian Food Inspection Agency Veterinary Drug Directorate CVO Involvement with Canadian Quality Milk Program CgFARAD (Global Food Animal Residue Avoidance Databank
Canadian Veterinary Medical Association Antimicrobial Prudent Use Guidelines (2008) MA_pug_e_web.pdf Guidelines for Legitimate Use of Compounded Drugs in Veterinary Practice (2006) Aug_07E.pdf Health Canada Policy of Extra-Label Drug Use in Food-Producing Animals (2009) php Professional & Regulatory Bodies
“An on-farm safety program to help producers prevent and reduce food safety hazards and risks on their farms” Dairy producers monitor critical areas and implement best management practices to: Effectively cool and store milk Sanitize their equipment and make sure their wash water is clean Safely transport their animals Closely monitor the use of medicine and chemicals to prevent residues in milk Canadian Quality Milk Program
“Best Managed Practices 4: Medicines and Chemicals Used on Livestock” Storage and handling Treatment choice Administration Identification of treated cattle Records Canadian Quality Milk Program
“Canadian gFARAD plays an important role in the prevention of violative drug and chemical residues in foods of animal origin” Integral to the Canadian agri-food system ensuring food safety while protecting the reputation of Ontario and Canadian producers with our national and international trading partners Facilitates the translation and transfer of critical food animal drug residue and pharmacokinetics knowledge to end-users and key stakeholders when drugs are used extra-label or animals are exposed to toxic chemicals Supports the traceability of potentially violative drug residues
Service Education Research Training of HQP What do we do at CgFARAD
Provincial Distribution of Request By Commodity Group (2010)
Percent of Dairy Requests By Province (2009)
Milk for Thought AVMA/CVMA Accreditation Associations Regulatory bodies Animal Welfare Costs Violative Residues Alternative Therapies
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