Why is it important to learn Spanish? Spanish is the official language of 21 countries Mexico, Spain, Guatemala, Honduras, El salvador, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Panama, Cuba, Dominican Republic, Puerto Rico, Venezuela, Peru, Colombia, Equador, Bolivia, Uruguay, Paraguay, Chile, Argentina, and Equatorial Guinea. Bilingual employees are increasingly in demand in business, social work, health care, education, journalism and many other fields.
More facts.. More than 400 million people around the world speak Spanish After Chinese, English & Spanish are tied as the two most frequently spoken languages. People who speak both Spanish and English can communicate with people from all over the world.
Even more…. Explore your community Experience a new perspective 2nd language most spoken in USA after English. Experience a new perspective Learning a new language is more than just memorizing words. When you study Spanish, you learn how the people who speak it think, feel, work and live.
Create career possibilities Knowing Spanish opens many doors. If you speak Spanish fluently, you can work for international and multinational companies anywhere in the Spanish-speaking world. You can create a career working as a translator, an interpreter or a teacher of Spanish. In the United States the number of Spanish-speakers is growing so rapidly, being able to communicate in Spanish is becoming important in almost every career.