Today the University is NOSOV MAGNITOGORSK STATE TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY Today the University is more than 15000 of students; 6 specialties, 31 Bachelor’s Degree courses; 16 Master’s Degree programs; 27 academic specialties at Post-graduate Education; 8 academic specialties at Doctorate Courses; 5 dissertation councils on 10 scientific specialties; 20 programs of intermediate vocational education; more than 150 programs for continuing professional education and development; activity according to the principles of ISO and IQNET.
NMSTU Position in the Educational Space of Russia NOSOV MAGNITOGORSK STATE TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY NMSTU Position in the Educational Space of Russia NMSTU is included in 100 top leading universities of Russia. http://минобрнауки.рф/проекты/ведущие -вузы NMSTU is included in 55 top universities of Russia, realizing the Program of Strategic Development supported by the Ministry of Education and Science of Russian Federation. NMSTU is the 13th in the “Forbes” magazine rating of Russian Establishments of Higher Education.
University Structure NOSOV MAGNITOGORSK STATE TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY The Institute of Metallurgy, Mechanical Engineering and Materials Processing The Institute of Mining Engineering and Transport The Institute of Power Engineering and Automated Systems; The Institute of Construction, Architecture and Arts The Institute of Economics and Management The Faculty of Standardization, Chemistry and Biotechnology The Institute of Continuing Professional Education and HR Engineering “Horizon” The Faculty of Pre-University Education The Institute of Extra-Mural Studies The NMSTU Branch in Beloretsk The Multidisciplinary College
Social Infrastructure NOSOV MAGNITOGORSK STATE TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY Social Infrastructure Information Technology Centre Publishing Centre Student Health Service Centre 11 Hostels, 5 University Canteens, 3 Sport Palaces and 2 Stadiums Health and Social Care Centre “Youth” for Leisure and Education near the Bannoe lake
Science and Innovation Infrastructure NOSOV MAGNITOGORSK STATE TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY Science and Innovation Infrastructure - Centre for Engineering Innovation; - Academic Instructional Centre; - Institute for NanoSteel's Research; - Resource Centre for Nanotechnologies and Nanomaterials; - Department for Scientific Research; - Office of Patent Information Management; - Youth Science Center; - NMSTU Industrial Park; - Department for Strategic Planning; - Students Business Incubator; - Centre for Information, Public Relations and Exhibition; - Small Innovative Enterprises.
Geography of University Graduates Recruiting NOSOV MAGNITOGORSK STATE TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY Geography of University Graduates Recruiting
NMSTU Foreign Partners NOSOV MAGNITOGORSK STATE TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY NMSTU Foreign Partners Болгария Япония Белоруссия Франция Польша Чехия ЮАР Бразилия Германия Казахстан Италия Турция Индия Украина Киргизия
University Strategic Development Directions NOSOV MAGNITOGORSK STATE TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY University Strategic Development Directions and Priorities 1 The development of scientific basis of transparent technologies of nanostructured metalware production with the unique complex of physical and mechanical properties. 2. Knowledge-intensive and resource-efficient technologies to obtain steels of new grades and rolled products with the adjusted complex of properties (for oil and gas, construction, automotive, shipbuilding industries). 3. Energy and resources saving technologies and equipment.
University Strategic Development Directions NOSOV MAGNITOGORSK STATE TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY University Strategic Development Directions and Priorities 4. Resource efficiency, industrial and environmental safety management. 5. Standardization and quality control in metallurgy, mechanical engineering and material processing. 6. HR, scientific and innovation providing in the field of continuous advance professional training.
NOSOV MAGNITOGORSK STATE TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY NMSTU Leading Scientific Schools in the Field of Metallurgy, Mechanical Engineering and Materials Processing The development of theory and technology for innovation processes of perspective, composite and nanostructural material wares production and processing. Metallurgical industry theory and technology development. The development of complex geotechnology theory in natural and man- caused resources engineering. The development of the theory and technology of machines, units and instruments for the shaping and cutting processes designing.
NOSOV MAGNITOGORSK STATE TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY NMSTU Leading Scientific Schools in the Field of Metallurgy, Mechanical Engineering and Materials Processing 5. The production and industrial processes qualimetry theory design and development. 6. The development of the theoretical basis of industrial and environmental safety in terms of industrial regions sustainable development. 7. The theory and practice of mechanical systems elements reliability forecasting and increasing at the stage of design and operation..
NOSOV MAGNITOGORSK STATE TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY NMSTU Victories in Contests Organized by the Russian Ministry of Education University victories in the contests organized by the Russian Ministry of Education: NMSTU Program “Scientific Educational Engineering Cluster Creation in the Metallurgy of the Urals Federal District” – the winner Of the contest of strategic development programs of Russian universities (financing amount is 300 mln. rub. for the period from 2012 till 2014). Collaborative Projects with “MMK-Metiz” OJSC and “Molotovilikhinskie zavody” OJSC are the winners of the contest of high-tech production creation (in terms of Russian Government resolution №218 from 9.04.2010) (financing amount is 478 mln. rub. for the period from 2011 till 2014).
Победы университета в конкурсах Минобрнауки РФ NOSOV MAGNITOGORSK STATE TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY 14/19 NMSTU Victories in Contests Organized by the Russian Ministry of Education Победы университета в конкурсах Минобрнауки РФ МГТУ победитель конкурсов : - программ развития инновационной инфраструктуры (в соответствии с Постановлением Правительства России от 9 .04. 2010 г. № 219): (объём финансирования 74,6 млн руб. на период 2011-2012 гг.). программ развития деятельности студенческих объединений (объем финансирования 28 млн руб. на 2012-2013 гг. ). NMSTU is the winner in the following contests: – the contest of the innovation infrastructure development programs (according to the Russian Government resolution №219 from 9.04.2010) (financing amount is 74,6 mln. rub. for the period from 2011 till 2012) – the contest of the student association activity development programs (financing amount is 28 mln. rub. for the period from 2012 till 2013)
NMSTU Research Teams Achievements NOSOV MAGNITOGORSK STATE TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY NMSTU Research Teams Achievements For the last 5 years: - in terms of programs “Academic and Teaching staff of Innovation Russia” for 2009-2013 “Researches and developments on priority development directions of scientific and engineering complex of Russia on 2007-2012” 30 contracts, treaties and agreements have been signed with the Ministry of Education and Science with the total financing volume more than 900 mln. rub.; - 5 research engineering projects have been carried out in terms of the contests of Russian Fund of Fundamental Researches and Russian Humanitarian Scientific Fund;
NMSTU Research Teams Achievements NOSOV MAGNITOGORSK STATE TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY NMSTU Research Teams Achievements - 4 young scientists of NMSTU were awarded by the Grant of the President of Russian Federation (2009, 2010, 2013); - 9 members of NMSTU staff were winners of the contest “The Inventor of the South Urals”; - Scientific and technological developments are awarded with 11 gold and silver medals at international forums and exhibitions .
(National Research University) NOSOV MAGNITOGORSK STATE TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY NMSTU in Prospect (National Research University)
Gratitude from the President of Russia NOSOV MAGNITOGORSK STATE TECHNICAL Gratitude from the President of Russia NMSTU staff was honored by the gratitude from the President of Russia in 2009 for the considerable contribution to the designing and implementation of progressive technologies and skilled specialists training for Mining and Metallurgic Complex of Russian Federation.