Talent Management Director of Talent and Development –Amanda Andrus Specialist of Training and Orientation –Kelli Simkus Specialist of Performance Management /Career Planning –Bob Schlaud
Mission Statement To achieve organizational success through talent by making effective hiring and talent managements decisions using our employees selection and Talent Management assessments. To achieve the best possible business results with employee selection, development and talent management solutions that incorporate the latest research and technology Talent Management
Best Practices Leadership Development is a top priority and deeply engrained into our culture Promotion from within policy Continuous assessment of training needs and feedback (360 degree) Individual development plans linked to succession planning process Talent Management
Best Practices Cont. Job Rotation and Internal transfers as career development tools Line Manager involvement (coaching & mentoring Use of job rotation system and internal talent marketing Talent Management
New Employee Orientation Training
Talent Management Learning Organization Shared Information Culture Leadership
Talent Management Developmental Strategies Assessment Centers Psychological Testing Performance Appraisals
Talent Management Management Qualities Quality Decision Making Skills Technical Skills Ability to build & lead Teams Results Orientated
Orientation 5 Day Program –Provide Organization and Job Details Day 1 –Rotation Training Days 2-4 –Group Exit Day 5 Talent Management
Training –Initial –Off Season Training New Hire Cross Training –Management Internal Fast Track –Re-certifications Talent Management
Evaluation Process APA Annual Performance Appraisal Annual (Year End) Review Quarterly Communication Meetings Career Development Talent Management
5 Step Annual Evaluation –Well Structured Process –Well Written Goals with Measurable Targets –Rating Scale –Development –On-Going Review Process Talent Management
Appraiser Skills –COACH Format Create Obtain Add Clarify Help Talent Management
By acting as a coach, a manager promotes an employees’ self-discovery and clearly identifies objectives to produce a shared understanding and commitment to greater productivity Talent Management
CAMP AWESOME ANNUAL PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL Associate Name: Last: First: Associate Title: Review Period: / / to / / Supervisor’s Name: Supervisor’s Title: Mission Statement: To achieve organizational success through talent by making effective hiring and talent managements decisions using our employees selection and Talent Management assessments. To achieve the best possible business results with employee selection, development, and talent management solutions that incorporate the latest research and technology
Key Objectives: 1: Customer Service Customer satisfaction will be measured by Zero customer complaints and performance related to both individual and team performance. Customer satisfaction will be based on survey results to evaluate service. Overall rating based on scoring system: 5 rating = O, 4. rating = VG, 3 rating = G, 2 rating = NI and less than 2 = U. Customer satisfaction will be directly related to the customer's willingness to return to Camp Awesome for future visits. 2: Safety Performs daily job responsibilities "accident and injury free". The expectation for good performance will be zero avoidable vehicle accidents (if applicable) and zero avoidable recordable injuries. Demonstrates a proactive approach towards safety and health in compliance with all governmental and customer regulations in the areas of HAZCOM, ECP/ICP, JACHO,HIPAA, substance abuse/drug free workplace, standards of ethical business conduct protocols. The timely completion and submission of Safety training will also impact performance in this area. Participation in completion of required safety meetings and medical testing. 3: Attendance: Attendance will be measured by the frequency of absence and the timeliness of reporting out to supervision. Zero absences per quarter will be considered outstanding, one absence per quarter will be considered very good, two absences will be considered as good, dependent upon report out timeliness. Three absences per season will be considered needs improvement and anything greater will be considered unacceptable. Consideration will be given for absences covered under one of the Company's medically- related time off programs (workers compensation, short-term disability, FMLA, etc). 4: General Housekeeping: Maintain facilities, equipment, and vehicles (if applicable) in an organized and clean manner, in accordance with site management and company policies and governmental regulations. This includes adherence to posted cleaning schedules.
OVERALL COMPETANCY RATINGS COMPETANCYANNUAL RATINGSUPERVISOR COMMENTS »AssocSupvr Team Player________________________________________ Communication________________________________________ Integrity__________ ______________________________ Creativity__________ ______________________________ Vision__________ ______________________________ Exceeds Expectations = 5 Meets Expectations = 3 Does not meet Expectations = 1 Career Development Associate 1 Year Goal:______________________________________________________________________________________________ Associate 5 Year Goal: ______________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________ Supervisor’s Comments:_____________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________ Associate Signature: __________________________________Date:_______________________ Managers Signature:_________________________________ Date:_______________________