CAUSATIVES Bir şeyi yaptırmak HAVE sth DONE (v3) GET sth DONE(v3) Sth = something (bir şey)
Birşeyi yaptırmak Kapıyı boyatmak Odunları kestirmek Tabakları yıkatmak Radyoyu tamir ettirmek
HAVE something DONE (v3) Kapıyı boyatmak Kapı: door Boyamak: paint (v) HAVE the door PAINTED
Odunları kestirmek Odun: wood Kesmek: cut (v) HAVE the wood CUT
Tabakları yıkatmak Tabaklar: dishes Yıkamak: wash (v) HAVE the dishes WASHED
Radyoyu tamir ettirmek Radyo: radio Tamir etmek: mend (v) HAVE the radio MENDED
GET something DONE (v3) Kapıyı boyatmak Kapı: door Boyamak: paint (v) GET the door PAINTED
Odunları kestirmek Odun: wood Kesmek: cut (v) GET the wood CUT
Tabakları yıkatmak Tabaklar: dishes Yıkamak: wash (v) GET the dishes WASHED
GET something DONE (v3) Radyoyu tamir ettirmek Radyo: radio Tamir etmek: mend (v) GET the radio MENDED
Bir şeyi yaptırmak Have the door painted = Get the door painted Kapıyı boyatmak Have something done (v3) Get something done (v3)
Have the wood cut = Get the wood cut Odunları kestirmek Have something done (v3) Get something done (v3)
Have the dishes washed = Get the dishes washed Tabakları yıkatmak Have something done (v3) Get something done (v3)
Have the radio mended = Get the radio mended Radyoyu tamir ettirmek
I have the door painted every time. Her zaman kapıyı boyatırım
Şimdi kapıyı boyattırıyorum. I am having the door painted now. kapıyı boyatmak Have the door painted
Have the door painted kapıyı boyatmak I had the door painted yesterday. Dün kapıyı boyattım. I am going to have the door painted tomorrow. Yarın kapıyı boyatacağım.
Have the door painted kapıyı boyatmak She has the door painted Kapıyı boyatır She had the door painted an hour ago. Bir saat önce kapıyı boyattı. She has just had the door painted. Daha şimdi kapıyı boyattı. (It is still wet.)
Get the door painted kapıyı boyatmak I get the door painted Kapıyı boyatırım. She getS the door painted. Kapıyı boyatır.
Get the door painted kapıyı boyatmak I am getting the door painted now. Şimdi kapıyı boyatıyorum. I will get the door painted. Kapıyı boyatacağım.
examples Otları biçtirmek (the grass, cut) Arabayı cilalatmak (the car, polish) Tahtayı sildirmek (the board, clean) Odayı süpürtmek (the room, sweep)
examples Otları biçtirmek (the grass, cut) Have something done Get something done Have the grass cut Get the grass cut
examples Arabayı cilalatmak (the car, polish) Have something done Get something done Have the car polished Get the car polished
examples Tahtayı sildirmek (the board, clean) Have something done Get something done Have the board cleaned Get the board cleaned
Odayı süpürtmek (the room, sweep) Have something done Get something done Have the room swept Get the room swept
Simple past Dün otları biçtirdim. (Have the grass cut) (Get the grass cut) I HAD the grass cut YESTERDAY. I GOT the grass cut YESTERDAY.
“going to future” Arabasını cilalatacak. Have his car polished Get his car polished He is going to HAVE his car polished. He is going to GET his car polished.
Simple present Öğretmen tahtayı sildirir. (Have the board cleaned) (Get the board cleaned) The teacher HAS the board cleaned. The teacher GETs the board cleaned.
Present perfect Annem odayı daha şimdi süpürttü. Have the room swept Get the room swept My mother HAS just HAD the room swept. My mother HAS just GOT the room swept.
Birisine bir şey yaptırmak a) Have somebody do something b) make somebody do something c) get somebody to do something
Birisine bir şey yaptırmak “RİCA” Ali’ye bir şey yaptırmak Have somebody do something Have Ali do something
Ali’ye kapıyı boyatmak Have somebody do something Have Ali paint the door
Birisine bir şey yaptırmak “RİCA” Engin’e odunları kestirmek have somebody do something Have Engin cut the wood
Birisine bir şey yaptırmak “RİCA” Ayşe’ye tabakları yıkatmak Have somebody do something Have Ayşe wash the dishes
Birisine bir şey yaptırmak “RİCA” Tamirciye radyoyu tamir ettirmek Have somebody do something Have the mecanic mend the radio
Have sb do sth “ask” I am having Ali paint the door now. Kapıyı şimdi Ali’ye boyatıyorum. They had Engin cut the wood yesterday. Odunları dün Engin’e kestirdiler.
She is going to have the mechanic mend the radio tomorrow. Radyoyu yarın tamirciye tamir ettirecek. We have already had the girls wash the dishes. (The dishes are clean now.) Kızlara tabakları çoktan yıkattık.
Make somebody do sth “force” Birisine bir şey yaptırmak “zorla” Make Ali paint the door Make Engin cut the wood Make the girls wash the dishes Make the mechanic mend the radio
Birisine bir şey yaptırmak “zorla” I make Ali paint the door. She makes Ali paint the door. They are making Ali paint the door. We made Ali paint the door. I am going to make Ali paint the door.
Get somebody TO DO sth “persuade” ikna etmek Get AliTO PAINTthe door Get EnginTO CUT the wood Get the girlsTO WASH the dishes Getthe mechanicTO MEND the radio
I get Ali to paint the door. I got Ali to paint the door. I will get Ali to paint the door. I must get Ali to paint the door. I can’t get Ali to paint the door.