3.Visual- images of hands and images of people in prayer 1. Kinaesthetic— Starting point of Hands- Look at hands. \hand prints. Use reflective area in school/school garden/ Local \church. 2.Audtitory- Listen to poem about hands. Think about how we use our hands in prayer. Story Sack- based on parable Skills and Attitudes Investigation-I can give examples of prayer Interpretation-I can talk about prayer aretfacts and what they might mean. Awe and wonder-To be able to experience ‘still and quiet time.’ Respect for all- that people pray in different ways and in different places. Spiritual Development An awareness of thought and thinking.-thinking happens in our heads. How we talk to others. Thinking of others- Kindness to others. Reflection. Areas of learning Personal Development Understanding the arts Understanding English,communication and languages Scientific and technological undertanding Useful websites mini posters –art.com Creative Assessment To be able to share a prayer/reflection and place it on the prayer/reflection tree.
Areas of learning Personal Development Understanding the arts and design Understanding English, communication and languages Scientific and technological understanding 1. Art/Creative - Hands Hist/Geog-Visit to place of worship Literacy/CLL Science-Senses -Touch PSED.SEAL Games e.g ‘pass the squeeze’ 2. Literacy/CLL- poetry link and story sack Creative Dev. Music e.g Enya PSED.SEAL
Areas of learning Personal Development (cont/d) 3. Art/Creative Development Further development –making prayer mats ISLAM Buddha and the Bodhi tree story DT /Creative Development-KUW-Prayer wheels to make. Prayer beads. Prayer pebbles Sing and Say – Tiddlywinks ISBN Barnabas website –‘Quiet corners’
Kinaesthetic Starting point of Hands - Look at hands. \hand prints. Use reflective area in school/school garden/ Local \church. Mystery objects to feel and observe include Prayer artefacts-prayer beads, kneeling / prayer books/pebbles. Visit from Vicar. Candle /Irish blessing/prayer wheel.
Areas of learning Personal Development Understanding the arts and design Understanding English, communication and languages Scientific and technological understanding 1. Art/Creative - Hands Hist/Geog-Visit to place of worship Literacy/CLL Science-Senses -Touch PSED.SEAL Games e.g ‘pass the squeeze’ 2. Literacy/CLL- poetry link and story sack Creative Dev. Music e.g Enya PSED.SEAL 3. Art/Creative Development Further development –making prayer mats ISLAM Buddha and the Bodhi tree story DT /Creative Development-KUW-Prayer wheels to make. Prayer beads. Prayer pebbles Sing and Say – Tiddlywinks ISBN Barnabas website –‘Quiet corners’
Auditory Listen to poem about hands. Think about how people use their hands in prayer – e.g. hands together, using prayer beads. StorySack- based on parable Luke
Visual Images of hands and images of people in prayer-Slide show with music. People pray in different places and in different ways. Prayer/Reflection tree- links with home and school. Children invited to contribute prayers/reflections. Local vicar invited to talk about how he leads prayer.
Skills and Attitudes Investigation- I can give examples of prayer Interpretation- I can talk about prayer artefacts and what they might mean Awe and wonder-To be able to experience ‘still and quiet time’ Respect for all- that people pray in different ways and in different places.
Resources 1. Solihull –R.E in the Foundation Stage Prayer wheel. Faith in Art. Belair ISBN Hands poem Peter Young- ‘Starting with me’ -Belair books 3. Story sack –Teddy -‘Now who’s a tapping?’ from Parable fun for little ones. By Renita Boyle ISBN High Fives Fairtrade - Hands. 5. Bible Storybags. Margaret Cooling “hands” ISBN