Pilot Training for Volunteers General Education Assessment Committee
cultivate intellectual and practical skills introduce students to the range of intellectual traditions and perspectives expressed in the disciplines represented by our major programs educate our students in the knowledge of human cultures and the physical and natural world encourage the development of personal and social responsibility”
Pilot Testing of Learning Goals
Learning Goal 1: Intellectual & Practical Skills Learning Goal 2: Knowledge of the World & Human Cultures Learning Goal 3: Personal & Social Responsibility
3.1 – Local and global civic knowledge and engagement 3.2 – Intercultural knowledge and competence 3.3 – Ethical reasoning and action 3.4 – Personal qualities and attitudes such as curiosity, self-confidence, imagination, cooperation, commitment, and support for life-long learning
This is not an assessment of a specific instructor, course, or program. This is an assessment of a specific aspect of one General Education goal and the General Education program.
The GEAC will combine findings from various courses to determine how well students are achieving the General Education Learning Goals. The Performance Levels reflect the idea that educating students for the learning outcome is developmental in nature.
Domain 3.2 Your course Another Course
Spring 2014
Step 1 Examine the domain to pilot test and review the Performance Levels listed on the Reporting Template.
Domain Performance Level Sample of 3.1 Reporting Template
Domain Performance Level Sample of 3.2 Reporting Template
Domain Performance Level Sample of 3.3 Reporting Template
Domain Performance Level Sample of 3.4 Reporting Template
For your course, which of your existing assignments best corresponds to the domain being assessed and how will you determine when students’ performance falls within one of the established Performance Levels?
Pre & Post Tests Papers Projects Presentations Specific items on Exams (Essay & Multiple Choice)
Consider the Performance Levels as absolute standards for a university- educated person, not one that is relative to your course or major. In lower-level or introductory courses, a performance level of 3 or 4 might be extremely rare, although not impossible. Students scoring at levels 1 or 2 may be expected and appropriate.
Step 2 After the assessment is given, compile numeric results on page 1 and then complete page 2 of the Reporting Template.
Assessment Method Executive Summary Recommendations
This provides the context for the specific assignment and assessment. The reported assessment data is aggregated at the domain level.
Report your findings and interpretations of the findings.
Provide suggestions for closing the loop Adjustments to the course Changes to the assessment method Changes in KU’s approach to the goal and/or domain
Step 3 Submit the completed Reporting Template to GEAC.
Early Submission Appreciated! Submission Deadline of Final Report to GEAC.
Thank you for your participation.