James Madison University General Education Program
Q:. What is General Education. A:. The foundation program for Q: What is General Education? A: The foundation program for all students Liberal arts Basic skills Establishes lifelong learning Provides breadth of study in broad areas of human knowledge Opportunity for students to explore individual interests
Supporting the JMU Mission: A liberal education for all students The integration of liberal education into the university curriculum Learning experiences that provide students with a global consciousness in a rapidly changing and technologically oriented world
The General Education Mission: To graduate informed citizens, well prepared to participate in public life To provide students with critical skills in reasoning, communication, and technology To introduce students to core areas of knowledge central to the history of western civilization, including interactions with the global community To invite students to know themselves and to consider the connections between values and behavior
The Value of a Liberal Education: Knowing how to learn The ability to analyze and synthesize information and ideas Flexibility and creativity Critical thinking and problem-solving skills Written and oral communication skills Understanding that crosses historical periods and cultural differences
General Education: The Human Community Cluster One: Skills for the 21st Century Cluster Two: Arts and Humanities Cluster Three: The Natural World Cluster Four: Social and Cultural Processes Cluster Five: The Individual in the Human Community
Cluster One: Skills for the 21st Century Written communication Oral communication Critical thinking Communication through technology Information retrieval
Cluster Two: Arts and Humanities Fine arts Literature Cultural and intellectual history Philosophy and religion in a historical context
Cluster Three: The Natural World Mathematics Quantitative skills Scientific literacy Experiential learning in the sciences
Cluster Four: Social and Cultural Processes American and global perspectives Politics Economics Societies and institutions Social history
Cluster Five: The Individual in the Human Community Health and wellness Psychology Human behavior Personal responsibility
Cluster One Packages A: Effective Arguments B: Critical Skills in the World of Business C: Not available 1999-2000 D: Critical Skills and Historical Inquiry E: Media Literacy and Communication
Cluster One: Package E Media Literacy and Communication GCOM 121E--Basic Human Communication GENG 102E--Reading and Composition GMAD 150E--Mediated Communication: Issues and Skills
How do we know if we’re doing a good job? Program assessment Pre-tests and post-tests in all five clusters Student performance on national tests Portfolio assessment of writing Competency testing Basic technology skills (Tech 1) Information-Seeking Skills Test
General Guidelines One package in each cluster Cluster One (Skills) is freshman year Cluster Three (Math and Science) by the end of sophomore year Other clusters sequenced through student’s educational career Consult academic advisor about relation to major requirements
General Education: The Human Community For more information: Visit our website at http://www.jmu.edu/gened Call us at (540) 568-2852 Email us at gened@jmu.edu
General Education is every student’s opportunity to enter into the learning community, explore the world of knowledge, and prepare for the 21st century.