Research and Innovation Research and Innovation Capacity Building for GEOSS A glance at EU international cooperation activities in R&I Workshop on Capacity.


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Presentation transcript:

Research and Innovation Research and Innovation Capacity Building for GEOSS A glance at EU international cooperation activities in R&I Workshop on Capacity Building and Developing Countries Geneva, 4 th May 2015 José Miguel RUBIO IGLESIAS Policy Officer –Earth Observation Directorate General Research & Innovation EUROPEAN COMMISSION

Policy Research and Innovation Research and Innovation -Deliver data and information to inform EU policy objectives (e.g. Development, Humanitarian policies) -Support international agreements (e.g. post-2015 Agenda for SD, CBD, UNFCCC). -Stimulate a global EO market from a wealth of free, full and open EO data. -Untapped potential for intensifying EO innovation, support science diplomacy, increase synergies with Copernicus. 2 Europe and GEO/GEOSS

Policy Research and Innovation Research and Innovation EU contributions to GEOSS HORIZON 2020 Tokyo Bay - Sentinel-1A radar-11 July (Copyright ESA) EU and associated countries

Policy Research and Innovation Research and Innovation -Current Strategic Target –call for coordination to strengthen developing countries capacities to produce and use EO products. -AfriGEOSS (2013) – key GEO initiative in that direction -Unfortunately, the engagement of developing countries is currently less than optimal. -Their involvement is also extremely valuable to the whole GEO! -GEO Ministerial Declaration (2014) explicitly pledges to strengthen engagement with developing countries and foster regional cooperation. -New Strategic Plan for GEO: opportunity to raise the profile of developing countries and EO role in sustainable development agenda. 4 Capacity Building and GEO post-2015

Policy Research and Innovation Research and Innovation -Through GEO, EU Member States can leverage their outreach training and capacity building efforts to use EO for sustainable development. -EU well positioned to develop and lead further capacity building initiatives focused on Africa and neighbourhood area. -Huge potential for European programmes to contribute to AfriGEOSS, leading to a better alignment between EU activities and African demands. -There are a number of very relevant past and ongoing EO activities with African focus: -GMES & Africa -MESA, AMESD, PUMA (EDF) -TIGER (ESA) -FP7 and H2020 research activities -Developing countries' organisations automatically eligible for funding in Horizon EU and Capacity Building in GEO

Policy Research and Innovation Research and Innovation 6 Contribution of EU research programmes* to GEOSS Capacity Building *Only projects funded under the Environment Theme are considered ENV Georesource information system for AfricaAEGOS ENV Improving observing systems for water resource managementCEOP AEGIS ENV GEONETCast applications for developing countriesDEVCOCAST ENV Developing necessary research activities for capacity building relevant to Earth Observation and GEO in the Black Sea basinENVIROGRIDS ENV Action in the domain of EO to support capacity building in GEOGEONETCAB, SEOCA ENV Identification and Networking of EO activities in the Balkan areaOBSERVE, BALKANGEONET ENV Developing increased EO capacity for better agriculture and forestry management in AfricaAGRICAB ENV Assessing the ecosystem status, including fisheries, within the Mediterranean marine coastal areas of North African countriesMEDINA TopicProjects funded ENV Supporting the integration of European and international R&D programmes in GEOEGIDA ENV Mobilising environmental knowledge for policy, industry and societyEOPOWER ENV Knowledge platforms, networking and uptake of research results for more strategic international R&I cooperationIASON

Policy Research and Innovation Research and Innovation Contribution of EU research programmes to GEOSS Capacity Building

Policy Research and Innovation Research and Innovation 8 Capacity Building for GEOSS publication (2014) -Booklet with an overview of the EU-funded research projects and activities of Capacity Building. -Free publication available on -building-for-geoss-pbKI /

Policy Research and Innovation Research and Innovation Origin : Maputo declaration signed in 2006 by the African Union Commission, the African MS and the African Regional Economic Communities, Lisbon declaration in 2007 signed during the EU – Africa Summit (GMES and Africa being part of the Joint Africa – Europe partnership) Aims: To set-up an overall framework in Africa for Earth Observation applications through a partnership between African and European stakeholders – extension of Copernicus to ACP countries. Budget : 40 Mo€ (Source of Funding: EU Pan-African Programme) Start date for Implementation : Roadmap adopted in April 2015, Implementation to be launched in 2016, transition with MESA Three Priority Areas: Water Management, Marine and Coastal Management and Natural Resources Monitoring. GMES & AFRICA

Policy Research and Innovation Research and Innovation Origin : Ouagadougou Declaration signed in September 2010 by the African Union Commission, the ACP Secretariat and the African Regional Economic Communities. Aims : Continuity of past investments on the use of Earth Observation data in Africa and to provide an initial contribution to the GMES and Africa and ClimDev Africa initiatives (of JAES). Budget : 37 Mo€ (Sources of Funding: 10th EDF) End date for Implementation : September 2017 Focus: Climate services and environmental applications.

Policy Research and Innovation Research and Innovation Roadmap adopted at the 4th EU-Africa Summit (April 2014) sets key priorities and areas for joint actions: Priority area 5: Global and emerging issues – "Climate Change and Environment" Area of Cooperation -Coherent framework for EO activities in Africa for socio-economic development. -Africa Space Policy and AfriGEOSS. -GMES & Africa Action Plan. -MESA programme, building on Africa Monitoring of the Environment for Sustainable Development (AMESD) achievements Africa-European Union Strategic Partnership

Policy Research and Innovation Research and Innovation EU-Africa Space Troika Meeting (20 April 2015, Brussels) -Specifically devoted to EO and implementation of GMES & Africa. -GMES & Africa Roadmap was adopted and a workshop was convened to launch the implementation process of the three priority areas. -GMES & Africa governance: AUC, Regional Economic Communities. -Call on adopting free and open data policy, focused on operational services and involving private sector. -To identify required Copernicus data and products, preparing collaboration agreements to facilitate its access and sharing -Commitment to realize this programme fully for Africa to develop local capacities for accessing and exploiting EO services. 12 GMES & Africa - Update

Policy Research and Innovation Research and Innovation EC-AUC Meeting (21 & 22 April 2015, Brussels) -Key EO contribution to future EU-Africa research partnership on food, nutrition security and sustainable agriculture. -Stronger involvement of Africa in the preparation of next Strategic Plan, its content and in the GEO governance at all levels. -Capitalize on a stronger AfriGEOSS partnership to stimulate African countries to maintain their infrastructures and contribute to the GEOSS. -Foster a culture of open data sharing across Africa, use of Data Core. Support role of EO in implementing/monitoring SDGs. 13 EU-Africa research partnership

Policy Research and Innovation Research and Innovation Horizon 2020 – EO-related opportunities SC 5: Climate action, environment, resource efficiency and raw materials - Calls associated to sub-activity "Developing comprehensive and sustained global environmental observation and information systems", mainly devoted to the implementation of the GEOSS and support the GEO SBAs. SC 2 – Food security, sustainable agriculture and forestry, marine and maritime and inland water research and the bioeconomy - Calls "Sustainable Food Security" and "Blue Growth", with some EO targeted projects (e.g. AtlantOS) related to marine or food security issues Leadership in enabling and industrial technologies - Space - Calls "Earth Observation", mainly related to Copernicus R&I components and exploitation of Copernicus data and services Research infrastructures, LEITs ICT, etc… 14

Policy Research and Innovation Research and Innovation -SC5-18b-2015: Integrating North African, Middle East and Balkan Earth Observation capacities in GEOSS (Coordination and Supporting Action, One-stage approach – Up to one project) -SC : Demonstrating the concept of 'Citizens‘ Observatories' (Innovation Actions, Two-stage approach, One or more projects) -SC : Strengthening the European Research Area in the domain of Earth Observation (ERA-NET Cofund – Up to one project) Indicative budget for 2015 ~ 34 M € Deadlines: 21/04/15 (First stage and single stage) and 08/09/15 (second stage). SC5 Work Programme for 2015 – GEO topics 15

Policy Research and Innovation Research and Innovation …and more opportunities for funding to come - 11 th European Development Fund ( ) - € 30,5 Bio - EU Development Cooperation Instrument ( ) – € 19,7 Bio -- € 415 Mio under the Pan-African Programme to JAES roadmap ( ). - EU-Africa Research and Innovation Partnership on food and nutrition security and sustainable agriculture through H One R&I action may be focused on EO services and food security (in support to AfriGEOSS and GEOGLAM) - EU support to the African Disaster Risk Reduction Strategy led by AUC ("Building Disaster Resilience in Sub-Saharan Africa")- € 80 Mio - Other H2020 activities focused on Mediterranean Sea and the Arctic. - The European Commission keeps supporting experts from developing countries to attend GEO meetings and workshops. (*) N.B.: The H2020 WP is still under discussion with Member States and Associated Countries and will only be adopted by Autumn 2015

Policy Research and Innovation Research and Innovation Conclusion EU Strategic approach to international cooperation in R&I – Horizon 2020 being fully open to third country participants. Developing countries automatically eligible for funding. ERC and Marie Skłodowska-Curie actions open to researchers from third countries. – Targeted international cooperation activities, development of multi- annual roadmaps for cooperation with key partner countries and regions (e.g. developing countries) – Promoting common principles for international cooperation in research and innovation (RRI, gender dimension, open access). – Enhancing the role of the Union in international organisations and multilateral fora (IPCC, UNFCCC, IPBES, etc…- GEO!) 17

Policy Research and Innovation Research and Innovation 18

Policy Research and Innovation Research and Innovation -When? 15 th and 16 th June. Where? Copenhagen (DK) -GEPW brings together European players interested in and contributing to the GEOSS. -Timing to maximise insight and awareness of the new GEO Strategic Plan and the next H2020 work programme -Specific sessions on connecting different EU initiatives in EO and in a greater involvement of the European private sector in GEO. -Splinter sessions around different topics: Capacity Building and SD, Marine Ecosystems, Food security and Agriculture, Citizens Observatories, GEO Infrastructures and Data, Copernicus… 19 Please register your attendance on: Deadline: 15 th May

Research and Innovation Research and Innovation Thank you! 20

Policy Research and Innovation Research and Innovation Next steps: -End of May 2015: Agreement by EC and AUC on governance and modalities of GMES & Africa implementation. -Autumn 2015: Endorsement by EU Member States and adoption of financing decision -First semester 2016: Negotiation of the contract, identification of grant beneficiaries -Second semester 2016: Launch of activities and transition phase with MESA. 21 GMES & Africa - Roadmap