Articles on Demand: Library Perspectives ALA Annual Conference June 30, 2014 Susie Bossenga, Northeastern Illinois University
7500 FTE 37 undergraduate majors, 31 graduate degree programs Commuter campus, diverse student body About the Library ◦ $1.1 Million Library Materials Budget ◦ 786,151 Volumes Held ◦ 32,795 Serials Titles Currently Received
Search the web ◦ Presentations ◦ Committee Meeting Minutes ◦ Notes/minutes from task forces ◦ Academic library news blog Consult other libraries ◦ Notre Dame ◦ Carlton University ◦ Virginia Tech ◦ Marshall University
Mediated vs. Unmediated ◦ Unmediated provides more immediate access to patrons ◦ Mediated provides more control over document delivery use and spending
Can patrons request an unlimited number of articles? ◦ How would you track the number of requests? ◦ What would be an appropriate limit? ◦ Would you need different limits for different groups of patrons (e.g. higher for faculty)? ◦ What are patrons options when their limit is reached?
Do we worry about our holdings? (e.g. what if someone requests something the library already owns?) ◦ How much overlap exists? Is it enough to justify spending time worrying about our holdings? ◦ If using an unmediated model, what are ways to prevent/discourage patrons from requesting content already owned by the library? ◦ If using a mediated model, how much staff time should be spent verifying the library doesn’t own content?
Should document delivery be directly integrated into link resolver (SFX)? ◦ Increase discoverability of content ◦ Require staff time to maintain ◦ Link direct to content or link to a request form? (mediated vs. unmediated)
Do we require users to set up individualized accounts, or do we have a centralized library account? Is document delivery a better option than maintaining publisher packages? How does content available through document delivery fit in with the library’s overall collection?
Document delivery would be mediated by ILL staff No limit on number of requests ILL staff would verify content not already owned by library No separate links for document delivery in the link resolver – patrons requested articles using the same form as for ILL requests.
Infotrieve Ingenta BLInside BLDirect Plus (in beta) BLInside selected for price and availability of desired content
Cost per use analysis was done to determine high cost/low use titles as potential cancellations Bibliographers searched BLInside to determine availability and quality of content from titles targeted for cancellation Titles for which document delivery would be an acceptable alternative were cancelled.
List was created of all cancelled titles ILL staff were instructed to use document delivery as the preferred method for fulfilling requests from titles on the list Document delivery only used for titles not on the list if content was unavailable through other ILL methods.
Cancelled 50 Journal Titles $90,000 saved from subscriptions ILL/Document Delivery expenditures increased by about $22,000
DRM software problematic for some users Difficulty accessing and using new BL interface
Copyright Clearance Center’s Get It Now ◦ Implemented as primary document delivery service in 2011 ◦ Remains a mediated service ◦ Use ILLead Add-on makes it easier to determine which articles are available through Get It Now ◦ Titles that reach threshold for copyright compliance also purchased using Get It Now
Exploring possibility of individual accounts with British Library for faculty to allow them to make unmediated loans. Revisiting titles we will automatically request through document delivery.
Green, D. & Melian, C. (2011, March). A long and winding road: Document delivery project at NEIU. Presented at the I-Share IACQ Open House, Chicago, IL.