2015 : R10 Executive Committee Meeting Name: Norliza Mohd Noor 24 January 2015, Kathmandu, Nepal Committee: Individual Benefits & Services Coordinator
Individual Services and Benefits Committee Objectives: 1.Enhance member benefits across all segments & make IEEE preferred professional platform 2.Create deeper IEEE connectivity with Industry, Research & Academia to enhance value for young professionals and students 3.Enhance leadership with in all IEEE Geo-units by providing necessary training and support to create an Efficient / Effective IEEE organisations across R10 & ensure that every IEEE member value IEEE high. 4.Bring high level of accountability for all leadership roles 5. Make IEEE R10 self-sustaining both technically and financially Project / Task Measurable Project 1 a.Develop a section on ‘Education and Careers’ in the R10 website. b.Develop a filter system that will scrutinize request for posting under ‘ Education and Careers’. c.Free for individual IEEE member (Post Doc, RA, GRA position) and minimal fee for industry. Project 2 a.Competition for Best Proposal for Individual Services and Benefits open to all members. Project 3 a.Encourage other section to have their own ‘Education and Careers’ section on their website with similar function as the R10. Prize will be given for the most active section that has ‘Education and Cereers’ online activity. Committee Structure 1.Chair: Norliza Mohd Noor 2.Members: Michael Ong (Past Coordinator), Maryam Saeed, Ayu Purwarianti, Khairuzzaman Mohammad Nasim, Atmanand M A, Wei-Chiang Hong, and Hitesh Mehta Budget 1. Project 1: US$ 1, {USD 100 per month for webmaster to maintain and monitor the ‘Education and Careers’ section) 2. Project 2: US$ prize money (1 st place USD350, 2 nd place USD250 and 3 rd place USD 150) 3. Project 3: USD500 as the prize winner Total Proposed Budget: US$ Timeline 1.Project 1: Completion by August Project 2: Completion by November Project 3: Completion by November 2015 Project/Tasks 1.Providing a platform in IEEE R10 website, by having a section on 'Education and Careers'. The platform may have the same content as in that are: Employment resources Salary resources Development resources Continuing education Pre-university resources Accreditation Faculty resources Program evaluator resources Positions available at IEEE 2.Industries and organization may announce their position vacancy that is open to all nationalities in R10 or they can specify which nationalities. 3.Individuals from university may also announce position vacancy such as post doc, graduate research assistance (GRA), research assistant (RA) and research officer (RO) that is open to all nationalities in R10. 4.Retail industries may provide discounts vouchers for R10 members. IEEE MALAYSIA SECTION Past-Chair ( )
Appendices: Education and Careers section in R10 website To develop a webpage in the IEEE R10 website named ‘Education and Careers’. Appoint a webmaster to develop a filter system will scrutinize request for posting under ‘Education and Careers’. With the industries and academician posting position/ job position vacancy will attract more members to join IEEE especially student members. This is also help to retain student memberships and graduate it to full member and joining the Young Professional affinity group. Project measureable deliverables :Metrics – no. of hit by members - target 2000 hit in 2015 As soon as possible, till December 2015 Budget breakdown –Expenses: honorarium for the webmaster to maintain and monitor ($100 per month on part-time basis) –Income : The first year we give free to industries and may impose fee in subsequent year. For academician should be free. From Region 10 ($1200) Project Milestones leading to completion: website no of hit reached 1000.
Appendices: Competition for Best Proposal for Individual Services and Benefits This is a competition to get proposal from members to give ideas for Individual Services and Benefits. With the ideas given, R10 may implement the beat doable proposal. Project measureable deliverables –Received good proposals from members March – August 2015 Budget breakdown –Expenses: USD$750 Prize money (1 st place USD350, 2 nd place USD250 and 3 rd place USD 150) –Income From Region 10 (USD$750) Project Milestones leading to completion: Winners announced.
Appendices: The most active ‘Education and Careers’ activity Section Competition This competition is for each section to have activity under ‘Education and Careers’. With the section being active in their own ‘Education and Careers’ activity will attract their members to be active and relevant being an IEEE member. Therefore it will also inspire others especially student and non-member to join IEEE. Project measureable deliverables –Section must have ‘Education and Careers’ webpage in their website. –Section has no. of hit marks mechanism that is visible to all. –No of posting in the ‘Education and Careers’ webpage. The posting should be ladder listing. March – November 2015 Budget breakdown –Expenses: Prize winner (USD$500) –Income From Region 10 (USD$500) Project Milestones leading to completion: Prize winner announced.
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