Bicycle Safety
Why Crashes Occur 50% of all crashes are falls 33% of all crashes involve animals, other bikes, or something that's not a motor vehicle Only 17% of all crashes involve motor vehicles ▫50% cyclist fault ▫50% motorist fault
Helmets What your helmet does during a crash ▫The helmet cushions your blow ▫The foam in it crushes ▫The plastic on the outside keeps the foam from breaking up The helmet brings your head to a stop in about 6 milliseconds (thousandths a second) ▫But if you had not had a helmet on, you would have stopped in less than 1 millisecond GLuM&feature=relatedhttp:// GLuM&feature=related
Bicycle Deaths
Rules of the Road All cyclists under the age of 18 are required to wear a bicycle helmet while cycling Never ride against traffic Try to use bike lanes Don't ride too closely to parked cars — doors can open suddenly! If you're cycling with friends, ride single file Don't wear headphones while biking, you need to hear what's going on around you
Rules of the Road Cont. Never change direction or change lanes without first looking behind you and using the correct hand signals!
Other Safety Tips Always wear a properly fitted bicycle helmet to protect your head Don’t have any loose clothing, drawstrings, or shoelaces; they can get caught in your chain Check the air in your tires and that your brakes are working before you ride Wear bright clothes so others can see you at all times of the day. If riding at night make sure your bike has reflectors and lights Before you enter any street or intersection check for traffic by looking left-right-left
Safe Bicycling is Fun and Healthy Health BenefitsOther Benefits Cycling minimizes the risk of coronary heart disease Helps in building your stamina It manages weight Ensures a control in the level of blood pressure. Cycling enhances the overall fitness level of a person A complete leisure activity, it gives you the opportunity to spend time with friends A chance to meet new people and discover new places Cycling is a complete environmental friendly activity