1 Biomedical Research Workforce Background Information September 7, 2007
2 Background Information Contents –NRSA Research Training Programs –NIH Career Development Programs –New NIH Extramural Principal Investigators –NIH Clinician Scientists and Human Subjects Research –Medical School Faculty
3 NRSA Research Training Programs
4 Pre-Doctoral and Post-Doctoral Positions on Kirschstein-NRSA Training Grants and Fellowships, Fiscal Years NRSA Research Training Programs
5 Distribution of Number of NIH K Awards by Activity, Fiscal Years Activities sorted by number of awards in FY Competing applications for K04, K11, K14, K15, K16, K17, K20 and K21 were discontinued in FY NIH Career Development Programs
7 K08 Awardees’ Eventual Application for, and Funding of NIH Major Research Grants*, FY *Includes activity codes starting with R, P, M, K, S, U (except UC6), G12, D42, DP1, and DP2. All Type 9’s are excluded. Prepared by DIS Reporting NIH Career Development Programs
8 K23 Awardees’ Eventual Application for, and Funding of NIH Major Research Grants*, FY PRESENTATION TITLE *Includes activity codes starting with R, P, M, K, S, U (except UC6), G12, D42, DP1, and DP2. All Type 9’s are excluded. NIH Career Development Programs
9 New Extramural Principal Investigators
10 New Extramural Principal Investigators
11 New Extramural Principal Investigators
12 NIRAFIRSTCheck box Number of First Time Investigators by listed grant mechanism New Extramural Principal Investigators
13 New Extramural Principal Investigators
14 New Extramural Principal Investigators FIRST Check box
16 Number of First Time R01 Equivalent Investigators by Degree Fiscal Years New Extramural Principal Investigators
17 Success Rates of Competing R01 Equivalent Applications First Time and Previously Funded (Experienced) Applicants New Extramural Principal Investigators
18 New Extramural Principal Investigators
19 New Extramural Principal Investigators
20 New Extramural Principal Investigators
21 Number of NIH Research Grant Awards* Designated as Human Subjects Research, FY *Includes activity codes starting with R, P, M, K, S, U (except UC6), G12, D42, DP1, and DP2. All Type 9’s are excluded. Prepared by DIS Reporting Clinician Scientists And Human Subjects Research
22 NIH Research Grant Award* Amounts Designated as Human Subjects Research, FY *Includes activity codes starting with R, P, M, K, S, U (except UC6), G12, D42, DP1, and DP2. All Type 9’s are excluded. Prepared by DIS Reporting Clinician Scientists And Human Subjects Research
23 Number of NIH Research Grant* Awards Designated as Human Subjects Research by Applicant’s Degree, FY *Includes activity codes starting with R, P, M, K, S, U (except UC6), G12, D42, DP1, and DP2. All Type 9’s are excluded. Prepared by DIS Reporting Clinician Scientists And Human Subjects Research
24 Number of NIH Research Grant* Awards Designated as Non-Human Subjects Research by Applicant’s Degree, FY *Includes activity codes starting with R, P, M, K, S, U (except UC6), G12, D42, DP1, and DP2. All Type 9’s are excluded. Prepared by DIS Reporting Clinician Scientists And Human Subjects Research
25 Number of NIH R01-Equivalent Awards by Applicant’s Degree, FY Prepared by DIS Reporting Clinician Scientists And Human Subjects Research
26 NIH COMPETING RPG* APPLICATIONS DESIGNATED AS HUMAN SUBJECTS RESEARCH: TRENDS IN NUMBER, AWARDS AND SUCCESS RATES, FY * RPG’s include R01, R23, R29, R37, DP1, P01, P42, PN1, R03, R15, R21, R22, R23, R33, R34, R35, R36, R37, R55, R56, UC1, UC7, U01, and U19 mechanisms Prepared by DIS Reporting Clinician Scientists And Human Subjects Research
27 NIH COMPETING RPG* APPLICATIONS DESIGNATED AS NON-HUMAN SUBJECTS RESEARCH: TRENDS IN NUMBER, AWARDS AND SUCCESS RATES, FY * RPG’s include R01, R23, R29, R37, DP1, P01, P42, PN1, R03, R15, R21, R22, R23, R33, R34, R35, R36, R37, R55, R56, UC1, UC7, U01, and U19 mechanisms Prepared by DIS Reporting
28 Biomedical Graduate Students and Postdocs
29 Medical School Faculty Source:
30 Medical School Faculty Source:
31 Medical School Faculty Source: