Calling and promise Session 6_School of hard knocks Gadgets
Gutter Cleaning Robot £50 Gutter cleaning is a time- consuming, dirty, unpleasant job. You have to repeatedly climb and move ladders, and reach from dangerous heights, using a variety of different tools. But now, this radio-controlled gutter cleaning robot will clean a 20-metre section of gutter for you in just 10 minutes.
iPhone £270 The iPhone is so much more than just a phone. Listen to music, watch movies, look at your photos, arrange your diary, surf the internet… In fact there appears to be very little the iPhone cannot do!
Nintendo Wii £180 The Nintendo Wii is one of the remarkable success stories of recent years and has revolutionised gaming. To understand why it’s been such a success, you have to try it for yourself. It’s so easy to use and the interactivity of the Wii Remote provides a unique gaming experience for the whole family – yes, even your Grandma will love the Wii!
Tonium Pacemaker £480 This little device is every DJ’s dream. It basically fits a pair of turntables, a mixer and 15,000 tracks into the palm of your hand.
Amazon Kindle £200 With Amazon’s Kindle books and newspapers are now paperless! Its revolutionary electronic-paper display provides a sharp, high- resolution screen that looks and reads like real paper. It’s simple to use and its wireless connectivity enables you to shop in the Kindle Store directly. There are more than 125,000 books available and many top newspapers and magazines.
FlyTech Dragonfly £40 This FlyTech Dragonfly flaps its wings like a real insect, can take off from any smooth surface, soar, dive- bomb, hover and glide silently for soft landings. It’s suitable for indoor use as it’s capable of manoeuvring in tight spaces and its lightweight design protects the furniture!
Sanyo High Definition SD Digital Movie Camera £400 This digital movie camera, doesn’t just look great, it’s technically great as well. It’s packed with lots of functions and saves your videos and photos directly onto SD memory cards.
Digital Picture Frame £100 This 8-inch Kodak digital picture frame displays your photographs and videos directly from your memory card, USB flash drive or digital camera. It can play MP3s and has built-in speakers. It also comes with a remote control.
Gaming Vest £150 Have you ever wanted to experience computer games more fully? Do you want to know what it feels like when you accelerate in a Formula 1 car or hit the brakes during a high-speed chase? Do you want to experience the G-force a fighter pilot feels or the image of a bullet at is hits you in the chest? Well, the clever little inflatable cells in this vest enable you to experience and feel all these things!
Bicygnals £40 Just what you’ve always wanted, indicators for your bike! These wireless indicators and lights are detachable and magnetic, slotting together into a compact carry case when not in use.
Calling and promise Session 6_School of hard knocks Gadgets