Numeracy Teachers in London 22/10/2008 Woburn House Building the Numbers NIACE and Maths Judith Gawn Regional Development Officer (LLN) London
Numeracy Teachers in London 22/10/2008 Woburn House Judith Gawn, Regional Development Officer, (LLN) London, NIACE 2 NIACE and Maths Building awareness, building confidence Making maths creative and fun Working in partnership
Numeracy Teachers in London 22/10/2008 Woburn House Judith Gawn, Regional Development Officer, (LLN) London, NIACE 3 NIACE and Maths Regional Achievement Dialogues Catching Confidence in Maths Numeracy Counts Numeracy for NVQ assessors Countdown to Work Maths takes you there
Numeracy Teachers in London 22/10/2008 Woburn House Judith Gawn, Regional Development Officer, (LLN) London, NIACE 4 Maths Takes You There – on-line resource to encourage more maths learning in the community and in the workplace LSC funded project Publication accompanies the campaign Materials launched with Union Learning Reps and workplace mentors in Sheffield Maths Takes You There
Numeracy Teachers in London 22/10/2008 Woburn House Judith Gawn, Regional Development Officer, (LLN) London, NIACE 5 NIACE and Maths One last activity: take a piece of paper and see how many times you can fold it in half!
Numeracy Teachers in London 22/10/2008 Woburn House Judith Gawn, Regional Development Officer, (LLN) London, NIACE 6 Where to find out more For information about NIACE: Judith Gawn, Regional Development Officer (LLN), London Sue Southwood, Development Officer (LLN in the Workplace)