Drink driving By Daniel Tesfai, Year 6 Exhibition, St Leonard’s College Cornish Campus
What is drink driving? Drink driving is a global issue. In Victoria, drinking alcohol and then driving is a significant problem. ¼ of deaths from car crashes are caused by drunk drivers. Most drink drivers are men under the age of 30,single and Australian born. Penalties for drink driving are very strict. e.g. fines, loss of demerit points, cancelation of licence, alcohol interlocks, and imprisonment.
What are the rules on drink driving? In Victoria the BAC (Blood Alcohol Concentration) legal limit for drivers who drink must be below 0.05 P and L platers must not consume any alcohol before driving
What is a breathalyser? It is a device for the police to use. To check a persons BAC level the driver blows into the device. The device will read the persons BAC level when it beeps.
How to avoid drink driving? As a general rule, men can have 2 standard drinks in the first hour and 1 standard drink every hour after that. Women can have 1 standard drink in the first hour and 1 every hour after that. Avoid mixing alcoholic drinks. Don't let other people top up your glass. Don't mix any tablets with alcohol. Eat before and after drinking alcohol.
If you are worried about your BAC? Get public transport or a taxi home. Let a sober driver drive you home Have a sleep over instead of driving. Wait for enough time for the alcohol to leave your body.
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