What time is it? Lee Anne Pesnell
Content Area: Math Grade Level: 1st Summary: The purpose of this power point is to review the knowledge students have of time. Learning Objective: Given a clock, the students will be able to with 100% accuracy tell the correct time. Content Standard: CCSS.Math.Content.1.MD.B.3 Tell and write time in hours and half-hours using analog and digital clocks Accomplishment: Develop a better understanding of time.
Who can tell me why it is important that we are able to tell time?
Time helps to tell us when to get up in the morning for school. Time helps us to know when to go to bed. Time tells us when our favorite cartoons are on. Time also helps us to know when our favorite time of day is, RECESS!!!
Let us review what we already know about a clock The Big hand shows the minutes The Little hand shows the hour
What time is on the clock? Remember the little hand tells the hour and the big hand tells the minutes.
The time is 6:00 o’clock. Now let us practice some more
What time is it? a. 12:00 o’clock b. 3:00 o’clock c. 9:00 o’clock d. 4:00 o’clock
Correct!!!! The answer is b.
This one’s a little more difficult. Can you guess it? a. 2:30 2:30 b. 8:30 8:30 c. 5:30 5:30 d. 7:30 7:30
Great Job!!! The answer is c.
This website will lead you to games that will help improve your knowledge of time.
Assignment Please complete and print out one practice page to the hour and one practice page to the half hour. Please do not forget to type your name at the top of the page. elling-time-1st-grade/ elling-time-1st-grade/
Summary In this lesson students learned the importance time plays in everyday tasks. Students also reviewed what they have already learned about how to correctly tell time to the correct hour and half hour.
Oh No! Let’s try again!!
I think you got this one confused!