Success with Bulbs! By Linda Landrum Regional Specialized Agent North Florida Research and Education Center - Suwannee Valley
Exactly what is a bulb? Plants with thickened underground storage organs enabling them to survive hostile growing conditions
The different types of bulbs are: True bulb –Tunic Amaryllis –Non-tunicate Lilies
The different types of bulbs are: Corm Gladiolus Crocosmia
The different types of bulbs are: Tuber Caladium
The different types of bulbs are: Tuberous roots Dahlias
The different types of bulbs are: Rhizomes Iris Ginger
When Choosing Bulbs, Look for: Few or no pest problems Suited to most soil types, wet or dry Persistent; either evergreen or comes back with “enthusiasm”after winter Adapted to USDA hardiness zone 9 and AHS heat zone 9 Relatively easy to locate
When Choosing Bulbs, Look for: Long season of color; either blooms, colorful foliage or other features such as berries or seed pods Little or no maintenance required Moderately spreading and easily propagated Despite what you do, they still survive !
When selecting: Consider –Lighting –Soil type –Cost –Does it need to be evergreen?
When selecting: How will the plant be used? –Massed bedding for color –Adding a tropical look –Vine for accent –To attract butterflies and birds –For cut flowers and foliage
Getting Started Select the appropriate plant Determine the number of plants needed depending on spacing Check plants for healthy roots and firm bulbs
Getting Started Enrich the soil -Add as much organic debris as possible -Add 1 ½ lbs of fertilizer per 100 sq. feet ratio for flowering ratio for foliage Adjust the pH Place bulbs in drifts, not rows Plant at proper depth, water and mulch
Once Planted Fertilize once or twice during growing season Water to maintain even moisture –Water shortage during growth periods could be deadly to the plant Remove spent blooms before seeds are produced
Once Planted Be watchful for insect and disease problems –Correct quickly when spotted Digging and resetting bulbs may be necessary depending on the type ENJOY!
Some of My Favorites Favorites
African African Hosta Hosta
Alocasia, Colocasia & Xanthosoma
Blackberry Lily
Moraea (Dietes)
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