AN INTRODUCTION TO: from the leading resource for education and information in the repair industry... TECHNICAL GUIDELINE S Guide for Methods of Measurement and Contract Types for Concrete Repair Work ICRI Technical Guideline No R Procurement Methods Formerly 03735
ICRI Guideline 130.1R Procurement Methods Guide for Methods of Measurement and Contract Types for Concrete Repair Work Purpose of This Guideline This guide is intended to assist owners, consultants, and contractors in defining recommended methods of quantity measurement and contract types for concrete work.
Who is this guideline for? Owners and consultants who are preparing bid documents and need to define quantities and the amount of work required to complete the project in a satisfactory manner. Contractors who are preparing bids on projects where the extent of deterioration may be unknown and where actual repair quantities often differ from initial quantity estimates, possibly resulting in changes to the scope of the work. Owners, consultants and contractors who require methods of measurement and contract measurement which need to allow for variations from the original estimated quantities determined from the initial survey and project scoping. ICRI Guideline 130.1R Procurement Methods Guide for Methods of Measurement and Contract Types for Concrete Repair Work
What is covered? Standardization of repair work items and methods of measurement to enable fair compensation to be made based on actual conditions. Measurement methods that provide a means for quantification for repair work in progress and completed. Establishes a uniform method of payment for work performed, and accounts for variations in the quantities.
Benefits of Using This Guide… Regardless of contract type, quantification and documentation of repair work must occur for identification for compliance to the contract and acceptance for payment. Provides designers, specifiers and owners with acceptance criteria of in-place repairs. Provides a standardized method of measurement for typical repair items for concrete repair. Guide for Methods of Measurement and Contract Types for Concrete Repair Work
Find it at from the leading resource for education and information in the repair industry... TECHNICAL GUIDELINE S Available in Hard Copy or as a PDF download Guide for Methods of Measurement and Contract Types for Concrete Repair Work ICRI Technical Guideline No R Procurement Methods