TechP rt 1 An Overview of the Courses and the Books Technology Training June
TechP rt 2 From thousands of unabridged IT books. to a remote site offering over 1,000 online courses and on to
TechP rt 3 Why e-Learning? Self-paced: You control what you learn, when, where, and how fast Courses and books available online 24x7 Just-in-time learning – to locate and retrieve information quickly, when you need it Mentoring 24x7 for some courses Train anywhere you can get to a computer and the Web – at home, on the job, in the dorm, at the library. Large selection of courses and books ranging from office computer use to technical topics for IT professionals -- and some on Project Management and Team Development too.
TechP rt 4 Why TechPort? Over 1,000 technology courses and thousands of IT books available around the clock, every day –Topics range from end-user courses in Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, etc.) to technical courses on operating systems, computer languages, web development, IT support, and databases. There are also courses on Project Management and Team Development. Mentoring available for many courses –Get real-time assistance from subject experts as you study One search brings up both courses and books to assist you. Books and courses can be book marked. In addition to registering (paying) for TechPort, to access the site your SUNet ID must be current.
TechP rt 5 Why TechPort? (Continued) Link to thousands of training courses and books. –Many topics to choose to study – for work or personal interest. –Include online courses and books in your career plannning. Registration information –Start at –Fee is less than a day of classroom instruction.
TechP rt 6 Books24x7 © Access more than 5,500 IT books -- unabridged, easily searched by topic, author, or publisher. New books added every week. Content you can respect and trust. Find up-to-date technical information quickly when you need it. Book mark what you locate for future reference. Print of individual pages available.
TechP rt 7 Registering for TechPort Start at At that page, click “Not registered yet? Click here for more information.” STAP, Hospital, department, and personal funds can be used to pay the sign- up fee. Remember: The license to use the courses is yours to use at any computer – Windows or Mac -- connected to the Internet – in the dorm, at work, at home, or elsewhere.
TechP rt 8 Planning Your Training First, assess your skills and training needs –Take online tests in relevant courses. –Determine which courses or parts of courses you need to take or review. Consider “blended learning” –Use online courses and books to prepare for and review in-class instruction –Use different styles of learning to suit varying needs and topics. Locate courses to take, and books to use as references. Bookmark Your Resources –Place courses to take at a later date in “My Course Plan.” –Put titles of relevant books in a “Bookshelf Folder.”
TechP rt 9 Taking Courses Launch a course –Take courses online. –Download a course for slow modems or for laptop use. Assessments –Take test before and after working in a course. –Use tests to find out what you need to study. Print out course transcripts to serve as notes. Track your progress. –“My Progress Report” can be printed out. –Includes learner name, dates of first and last access, test score, and more. –Might be used as a “certificate of completion.” Request MENTORING, if it is offered for the course. (See following screen.)
TechP rt 10 Getting Mentoring for a Course (if available*) * To see if a course has Mentoring: At the Course Information page, look for the Ask My Mentor button, or in a course, look for this icon at the bottom of the screen – or, at your Home page, -type the name of (or Keywords for) a course in the Search for field near the top of the screen. -change the Category from All to Mentoring -click to start the Search. -If Mentoring is available, it will appear in the Search Results. Course Information Page Ask My Mentor
TechP rt 11 Getting Help If you encounter problems, check the FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions) page at For help locating and using courses, consult the User Guide or Quick Reference Guide – both located in the Shortcuts box on the SkillPort home page at the remote site. For help locating and using the books, click on the Help tab in the Books24x7 area. If you are unable to access the remote site or launch a course, please submit a ticket at Choose Request Category Support, Training and Other Services, and Request Type TechPort. (HelpSU can also be reached by phone at HELP.)
TechP rt 12 For technical problems with courses or books contact SkillSoft – Phone Support: SKIL-HELP ( ) – Support: – Online Support: Fill out and submit the form below. For additional assistance, contact Technology Training Services at Your “SkillPort username” is your SUNet ID. Your “Company” is Stanford University.