Church of the Redeemer Daughter Church
Share the Gospel of Jesus with 2 million or more people so that they might spend eternity in heaven. Start 200 new missions as one of the most effective ways to reach unchurched people. Strengthen 1/3 of our existing churches in their God given mission of outreach. Send 10% of our baptized membership into the mission of our Lord Jesus Christ either locally or overseas.
Models of Church Planting Free Standing-new independent ministry. Mother Daughter-initial support with future independence. Satellite (where the host/sponsoring congregation will provide on going leadership, finances. The new ministry is seen as an extension or branch of the host. The mission will not become an independent congregation.)
How Much? $150,000 first 12 months Includes Mission Planter all costs at $90k Includes moderate rental of office or place for meetings, worship. Includes PR etc.
Funding the Mission $150,000 Budget Local Mission Mother or Satellite Congregation FL-GA District Other 3 rd source funding
When do we call a mission planter? This can be determined by asking two questions? 1.How much help can you provide in outreach and publicity, small group facilitation? (People resources) 2.How much can you financially provide to the new mission?
Who Should We Call? For the Mission to be successful you need –Right Person –Right Place –Right Plan –At the Right Time –The FLGA District is prepared to assist you in the calling process.
Benchmarks Core Group of or more people who will identify with the new ministry at least initially. Ministry Launch Teams (2+ each) –Worship –Witness –Word –Fellowship –Stewardship
TEAMS The WWWFS TEAMS enable the mission to begin as a full service ministry. These teams cover the five functions of the church to; Worship Word (Christian education) Witness (outreach) Fellowship – (building community & identity) Stewardship (assimilation of new members/gifts/talents.
New Mission Goals New Disciples are being formed (more baptisms & confirmations) New Leaders are being identified and nurtured New Ministries are forming New Mission will be started in the future Growing level of stewardship and self support (125+ = self support/200+ = ability to plant another new mission)
Benchmarks cont’d Congregational Awareness (pray about it too!) Circuit Congregational Awareness Start small groups Bible Studies in the area to gather the CORE group. Hold Community Info Meetings
Benchmarks cont’d Get to know the community –Meet with local leaders to find out what the needs are. How could a church help? –Meet with city/county planner to find out where and what type of growth is coming to the area. –Meet with the school superintendant to see what the projections are for new schools, families, etc.
Public Relations The more closely you begin to connect with the community the more important it is for you to have a church planter on board. Outreach Resources available from FLGA District, Lutheran Hour Ministries.
You a Missionary? The mission will need a variety of people that could help them carry out their ministry. Everything from book keepers, organists, pianists, vocalist, musicians teachers, realtors, politicians, clerical, computer & web assistants, etc. Some helpers could be an event only others may be a longer term commitment.
You a Missionary cont’d The mission needs PRAYER WARRIORS The mission needs people of means that can help under write ministry costs. The mission needs people who have a passion for reaching the lost at all cost! Daughter Church Planting seminar will address how to start a new mission and what needs to be considered by the Mother.
Governance The new mission is covered as a non profit entity by the IRS from day one. Bank accounts through mission or mother church? Initial Directors who will serve to carry out the day to day affairs of the mission. (Mother Church/Circuit may assist.) Constitution & By Laws can be done later as the mission progresses.
Support FLGA –Planter Assessment prior to calling –Strategic Mission and Ministry Planning –Mission grants –Coaching for Church Planter –Mission Planter Clusters (continuing training and networking with area church planters) –On site visits with Planter and Lay Leaders/Members. –Mission Planter Institute (2 yrs. on going training and resources with LCMS)
Contact for Help & Info Rev. Doug Kallesen, Executive Director of Outreach, FLGA District ext Missions Outreach