IDEAS at UCLA AB-540 Project
Undocumented Students Undocumented students are those who reside in the U.S. without legal permission of the Federal government. It includes students who are not U.S. citizens or permanent residents or who do not hold any sort of visa allowing them to reside in the U.S. Many of these students have lived here a substantial part of their lives and most were brought here involuntarily by their families looking for a better life.
A Problem in Need of a Solution Around 65,000 undocumented students graduate from U.S. high schools every year. 25,000 are from California. Only around 5-10% of these students pursue higher education. According to a research study by the Pew Hispanic Center, the average undocumented family has a yearly income of less than $30,000. Because of this 39% of undocumented children face poverty.
Why Go to College? Basically, the higher your level of education, the higher your possible salary and the less chances you will be unemployed. It’s a win- win situation.
Can Undocumented Students Go to College? Cannot be denied admission to any public institution of higher education in California based on immigration status. Must meet the AB540 requirements in order to qualify for in-state tuition at California public college/university. What about privacy? –Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of –The UC affidavit is legally a secret and private document that cannot be seen by anyone but the University and student. –Complete privacy of student records at all colleges and universities
AB 540 Requirements AB540 Does Not: apply to private colleges and universities. grant legal residency to qualifying students. grant state or federal financial aid eligibility. AB540 ONLY PROVIDES AN EXEMPTION TO THE REQUIREMENTS TO PAY NONRESIDENT TUITION Three years at a CA high school. Valid high school diploma or equivalent (GED) Signed AB 540 Requirements affidavit presented to the school of enrollment International students and those with a valid non-immigrant visa (F, J, H, L, A, E, etc…) DO NOT QUALIFY. It is always advised to consult a lawyer who can clearly assure you if you apply.
The Importance of AB 540 School System In-State Rate Per Year (Estimated) Out-of-State Per Year (Estimated) Community Colleges$1000$6000 Cal State Universities$5000$15000 University of California$9000$30000
ITIN ITIN Individual Taxpayer Identification Number An ITIN is a nine-digit Individual Taxpayer Identification Number issued by the U.S. Internal Revenue Service (IRS) to foreign individuals who are required to have a U.S. taxpayer identification number but are not eligible to obtain a Social Security Number (SSN) ITIN can be used on various forms but does not replace a Social Security Number. ITIN is for tax purposes only
ITIN How to get an ITIN: –Prove you are a foreigner –Prove you currently live in the United States –Need two forms of identification (i.e. school I.D., national I.D. – matricula)
Scholarships Organizations that offer scholarships specifically for Undocumented Students –SAESL –SALEF, etc. Research Alumni Association for scholarships being offered Personal Statements Check Eligibility (Contact Scholarship Committee) Ask how scholarship is awarded: personal check, bank account deposit, school deposit, etc. –Determines how to use the scholarship scholarship Do it NOW!!
College Credit in High School Community College Classes for FREE!! –Dual Credit –College Credit Pass AP Exam to get credit on that class –College Credit! Finishing college early
Extracurricular Activities Increases range of scholarships that can be applied to Increase probability of getting accepted into college Helps prepare for the college atmosphere
Research Universities Affordable –Make sure that it is within your financial means Accessible –As an AB540 student, commuting might be an option Attainable –Do you satisfy all the requirements? (GPA, Testing Scores, etc)
Fundraising Side Jobs: Babysitting, Landscaping, Tutoring Internships: privately funded stipends Car Washes, Food Sales, Book Sales, etc.
Other Avenues! Private Aid –Some private universities, companies and organizations may provide assistance Networking –AB540 Student Networks –Visit College Campuses and talk to AB540 advocates and allies AB540 student organizations Support/Outreach Programs
DREAM Act 2009 “Let’s not just dream, let’s act!”
DREAM Act 2009 What is the DREAM Act? The Development, Relief, and Education for Alien Minors (DREAM) Act is a bipartisan bill that would create an opportunity for undocumented students to get onto a path of legalization. Students qualify for a 6-year conditional permanent residency if: 1. Arrived in the U.S. under the age of 16; 2. Lived in the U.S. for at least 5 years before the date of the enactment of the DREAM Act; and 3. Completed high school or earned a GED Students would then qualify for permanent resident status if during the following 6 years, they either complete 2 years at a 2-year or 4- year college or serve in the armed forces for 2 years or more. Students would not qualify for this relief if they have committed certain crimes, are a security risk, or are inadmissible or removable on certain other grounds.
Current Status of the DREAM Act The DREAM Act was reintroduced on March 26, 2009 in the Senate by Richard Durbin (D-IL) and Richard Lugar (R-IN), and in the House of Representatives by Howard Berman(D-CA), Lincoln Diaz- Balart (R-FL), and Lucille Roybal-Allard (D-CA).
DREAM Act Nat’l Endorsements Microsoft College Board Citi Group Macy’s City of New York American Express JP Morgan Chase and Co. Harvard University Stanford University University of California among others …
Legislative Team Lobby Visits: 1.US Senate 2.US House of Representatives City Resolutions 1.Los Angeles 2.Long Beach (pending) 3.South East Cities
Community Team 1.Faith Based Organizations 2.K-12 School Districts 3.Business 4.Educators and Universities 5.Diverse Community Organizations
Media Relations Team 1.Local and National Networks ◦ Newspapers ◦ Broadcast News 2. Broadcast Programming ◦ TV Shows Telemundo CNN Univision ABC Knowledge is Power Los Angeles Times Washington Post New York Times among others…
What Can you do?
IDEAS at UCLA AB 540 Project The mother organization of the AB 540 Project. Group for undocumented students at UCLA. The AB 540 Project seeks to distribute knowledge of AB 540 and other resources available for undocumented students. We hold an annual Counselors’ Conference and also an Empowerment Conference for high school students. Workshops on this issue are also offered at various high school by request.
Lets Make the DREAM a Reality !