Options for a 50Hz, 10 MW, Short Pulse Spallation Neutron Source G H Rees, ASTeC, CCLRC, RAL, UK
Premises Kinetic energy for the 10 MW, proton beam (GeV) ≤ 3.2 Total proton pulse duration each 50 Hz pulse ( s) ≤ 2.2 The number of proton bunches in each 50 Hz pulse ≤ 8
Some Potential ISIS RCS Upgrades ISIS injecting into a 50 Hz, 3.2 GeV RCS, for a 1 MW source 400 MeV Hˉ linac with the 3.2 GeV RCS, for a 2 MW source 800 MeV Hˉ linac with the 3.2 GeV RCS, for a 5 MW source (The ESS linac-compressor(s) appears better option at ≥ 2 MW) Limit for a single, 3.2 GeV RCS appears to be 5 MW ( ppp)
10 MW, 50 Hz Ring Options A 3.2 GeV Hˉ linac feeding two, 3.2 GeV, 5 MW compressors: it is probably feasible, but is considered to be too difficult A 0.8 GeV Hˉ linac feeding two, 3.2 GeV, 5 MW RCS rings: this option needs a delay of ~ 1 ms for one of the RCS A 1 GeV Hˉ linac & compressor, & two 3.2 GeV, 5 MW NFFAG: some bunch compression in compressor before extraction
Schematic Layout for 3.2 GeV, 5 MW RCS 800 MeV H ˉ H ˉ, H° beam cavities collectors R = 65 m n = h = 4 N = triplet dipoles 8° dipole dipoles extraction cavities
Choice of Lattice ESS-type, 3-bend achromat, triplet lattice chosen Lattice is designed around the Hˉ injection system Dispersion at foil to simplify the injection painting Avoids need of injection septum unit and chicane Separated injection; all units between two triplets Four superperiods, with >100 m for RF systems Locations for momentum and betatron collimation Common gradient for all the triplet quadrupoles Five quad lengths but same lamination stamping Bending with 20.5° main & 8° secondary dipoles
Parameters for a 50 Hz, GeV RCS Number of superperiods 4 Number of cells/superperiod 4(straights) + 3(bends) Lengths of the cells 4( ) + 3(14.7) m Free length of long straights 16 x 11.0 m Mean ring radius 65.0 m Betatron tunes (Q v, Q h ) 6.38, 6.30 ( Q ~ 0.2) Transition gamma Main dipole biased cosine fields to T Secondary dipole fields to T Triplet length/quad gradient 3.5 m / 2.2 to 6.2 T m -1
RCS Betatron and Dispersion Functions
RF Parameters for the 3.2 GeV RCS (Z/n = j 5 Ω, reduced g and η sc < 0.3) Number of protons per cycle (5.1 MW) RF cavity straight sections 110 m Frequency range for h = n = to MHz Bunch area for h = n = eV sec Voltage & 0.8 GeV 61.4 kV & ± ˉ 3 Voltage & GeV 717 kV & ± ˉ 3 Voltage & 3.2 GeV 470 kV & ± ˉ 3
FFAG Ring Types Non-linear, scaling, non-isochronous FFAG Linear, non-scaling, near isochronous -FFAG Non-linear, non-scaling, isochronous IFFAG Non-linear, non-scaling, non-isochronous NFFAG Radial, scaling, FFAG rings have BF(+) and BD(-) magnets Non-scaling, -FFAG rings have BF(-) and BD(+) magnets IFFAG & NFFAG rings have bd(-), BF(+) & BD(+) magnets Here, only bd-BF-BD-BF-bd cells for NFFAGs are considered Though of zero chromaticity, the tunes do vary with amplitude
1.0 GeV Compressor Ring Needed as NFFAG cells are unsuitable for Hˉ injection Use a similar lattice to that for the 3.2 GeV, RCS rings Replace the 8°dipoles by (2°, 4° and 2°) dipole sets Optimise for Stark states 5, 6 with B(for 4°) = T Separate injection fillings are required for each NFFAG Some bunch compression is needed before extraction High & low foils may be needed for lower temperatures
Pumplet Cell for the 3.2 GeV NFFAG Ring bd(-) BF(+) BD(+) BF(+) bd(-) (m) –3.2086° ° ° ° –3.2086° Lengths and angles for the 36 cells of the 3.2 GeV closed orbit
NFFAG Non-linear Lattice Code A linear lattice code is modified for estimates to be made of the non-linear fields in a group of FFAG magnets. Bending radii are found from average field gradients between adjacent orbits & derived dispersion values, D. D is a weighted, averaged, normalized dispersion of a new orbit relative to an old, and the latter to the former. A first, homing routine obtains specified betatron tunes. A second routine is for exact closure of reference orbits A final, limited-range, orbit-closure routine homes for -t. Accurate estimates are made for reference orbit lengths. Full analysis needs processing the lattice output data & ray tracing in 6-D simulation programs such as Zgoubi.
Non-linear Fields and Reference Orbits Low ampl. Twiss parameters are set for a max. energy cell. Successive, adjacent, lower energy reference orbits are then found, assuming linear, local changes of the field gradients. Estimates are repeated, varying the field gradients for the required tunes, until self-consistent values are obtained for: the bending angle for each magnet of the cell the magnet bending radii throughout the cell the beam entry & exit angle for each magnet the orbit lengths for all the cell elements, and the local values of the magnet field gradients
3.2 GeV Betatron & Dispersion Functions 0.6 m 0.0 m
NFFAG Combined Function Magnet Data bd bend field range(-) to T bd gradient range to T m -1 BF bend field range to T BF gradient range(-) to T m -1 BD bend field range to T BD gradient range to T m -1 BF units approximate four poles of a sextupole
Reduction of Non-linear Effects Cells Q h Q v 3rd Order Higher Order zero nQ h =nQ v & 4th order zero nQ h =nQ v & 5th order zero nQ h =nQ v & 9th order 13 4/13 3/13 zero to 13 th, except 3Q h =4Q v Use (13 x 3 ) - 1 = 38 such cells for the NFFAG (36) Betatron tune variations with amplitude still remain Gamma-t = (j) at 1.0 GeV & at 3.2 GeV
RF Parameters for the 3.2 GeV NFFAG (Z/n = j 5 Ω, reduced g and η sc < 0.3) Number of protons per cycle (5.1 MW) RF cavity straight sections 110 m Frequency range for h = n = to MHz Bunch area for h = n = eV sec Voltage & 1.0 GeV 99.5 kV & ± ˉ 3 Voltage & GeV 290 kV & ± ˉ 3 Voltage & 3.2 GeV 258 kV & ± ˉ 3 Compare to the 3.2 GeV RCS 717 kV & ± ˉ 3
Vertical Loss Collection in an FFAG Loss collectors Y X 1.0 GeV proton beam 3.2 GeV proton beam Coupling may limit the horizontal beam growth ΔP loss collection requires beam in gap kickers
3.2 GeV: NFFAG versus RCS Pros: Volts per turn for acceleration is less than half No need for a biased ac magnet power supply No need for an ac design for the ring magnets No need for a ceramic chamber with rf shields Gives more flexibility for the holding of bunches Cons: Requires a larger (~ 0.27 m) radial aperture Needs an electron model to confirm viability Needs a 1.0 GeV, Hˉ injection compressor ring
Conclusions re a 50 Hz, 10 MW Source A 3.2 GeV Hˉ linac & two compressors looks a difficult option A GeV RCS option needs 2 rings & large, ~3 MHz, rf A 3.2 GeV NFFAG needs a 1 GeV compressor and two rings NFFAGs offer the potential of greater reliability, but R and D is needed on electron models & new space charge tracking codes.