Case Study on Eastern Caribbean Flyingfish (Hirundichthys affinis) Fishery Completed By The Caribbean Regional Fisheries Mechanism.


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Presentation transcript:

Case Study on Eastern Caribbean Flyingfish (Hirundichthys affinis) Fishery Completed By The Caribbean Regional Fisheries Mechanism

PRESENTATION LAYOUT  Some Fishery Notes  Case Study – General Objectives  Case Study Objectives & Results for TDA & SAP components  Lessons Learned for TDA & SAP components  Best Practices for TDA & SAP  References (Reports produced)  A Collection of Major Publications

Some Fishery Notes  Most important small pelagic fishery in southern eastern Caribbean (Barbados, Dominica, Grenada, Martinique, Saint Lucia, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines and Trinidad and Tobago)  Early fishery landings in 1950s were ~<1000 t, increased to peak of just under 5000 t in late 1980s. Recently, annual landings estimated at 2,000-2,500 t  expanding fleet capacity has raised concern about overfishing  directed fishery, part of a multi-species, multi-gear fishery, which also targets regional large pelagic species  tagging & genetic studies: single stock of four-wing flyingfish in southeastern Caribbean

Some Fishery Notes : ecosystem linkages  growing longline fisheries for large pelagics use flyingfish for bait  flyingfish - important component of pelagic food web  Dolphinfish & other predators - particularly vulnerable to any substantial decrease in flyingfish abundance  negative impact of land based human activities on the health of marine ecosystem and fishery resources

Case Study – General Objectives  to fill important knowledge gaps that will contribute to the final TDA, and  to inform the development of the SAP and the CLME management and governance framework which will include priority actions for the sustainability of the Eastern Caribbean flyingfish fishery.

Case Study Objectives & Results for TDA To review & complete agreedTDA gap filling activities: OBJECTIVEACTIVITIES & RESULTSSTATUS/ REPORTS 1) Improvement of availability of data and information 1) Identified data improvement needs through testing analysis tool for producing ecosystem-based management advice. Used Multi-Criteria Analysis. Management objectives were identified and prioritised to inform data priorities. Completed. Report: CRFM Research paper Collection – Volume 6 2) Single species bioeconomic analysis of the fishery 2) Data preparatory and assessment activities completed. Biological and economic parameters agreed. Fishery performance evaluated relative to biological & economic conditions. Both taken into account in management advice. Completed. CRFM Fishery Reports 2010 – ) Incorporate key predator- prey interactions & the related fishery interactions into a bioeconomic evaluation, to inform holistic management of the fourwing flyingfish 3) Bio-economic assessment completed to incorporate consideration of dolphinfish – flyingfish interactions (changes in biomass of one relative to the other). Assessment was limited by the accuracy of available dolphinfish assessment data. Completed. CRFM Fishery Reports 2010 – 2012

Case Study Objectives & Results for SAP (1) OBJECTIVEACTIVITIES & RESULTSSTATUS/ REPORTS 1) Stakeholder analysis, including an assessment of their capacity to take part in the sub-regional management process 1) Identified and engaged stakeholder groups/ documented their present role in fishery activities, capacity, and capacity- building needs for participation in proposed EAF governance and manageemnt framework. Completed / CRFM Technical & Advisory Document – Number 2012/7 2) Review and analysis of existing policy, legal and institutional arrangements and investments for management and governance of flyingfish 2) Analysed present state of policy, legal and instutional arrangements/ identified policy, legal and institutional reforms required for proposed EAF governance and manageemnt framework. Completed/ CRFM Technical & Advisory Document – Number 2012/6 3) Memorandum of Understanding between CRFM and Martinique on Cooperation 3) Invited and obtained Martinique’s involvement in all technical activities (CRFM and CRFM/WECAFC Working Groups). Invited Martique’s involvement in Ministerial meetings. Discussing options for achieving MOU. In progress.

Case Study Objectives & Results for SAP (2) OBJECTIVEACTIVITIES & RESULTSSTATUS/ REPORTS 4) Regional Non-binding Declaration for effective management and governance of the Eastern Caribbean fourwing flyingfish 4) Based on updated stock assessments completed during TDA component, developed updated fisheries management plan and management declaration/ management plan and declaration being discussed and refined through national consultations & technical working group activities (CRFM/WECAFC) In progress - CRFM’s Forum and Ministerial Council to adopt by May 2013 / CRFM Technical & Advisory Document, No. 2012/ 12, 5) Convene national meetings with key stakeholders to review recommendations and the proposal for a sub-regional decision-making mechanism/forum 5) Stakeholder validation workshop held in May 2012/ Also facilitated through CRFM Forum and Ministerial Council meeting decisions/ proposal for establihsment of Ministerial Sub-Committee on Flyingfish prepared & adopted/ also national consultations being held to consider management plan and regional declaration Completed/ CRFM Management Report PY 2011/12, Vol. 2, Supplement 1l/ CRFM Technical & Advisory Document, No. 2012/ 12 6) Promote/mobilize CRFM networking via its Small Coastal Pelagic Fish Resource Working Group for solid, scientific basis for recommendations & lessons learnt. 6) Invited and obtained Martinique’s involvement in CRFM Small Coastal pelagic Working Group (CRFM SCPWG)/ CRFM SCPWG coordinated completion of assessments for TDA component. Completed. CRFM Fishery Reports

Case Study Objectives & Results for SAP (3) OBJECTIVEACTIVITIES & RESULTSSTATUS/ REPORTS 7) Convene Senior level Joint meeting CRFM & WECAFC Ad Hoc Working Group on Flyingfish, for further review & guidance. 7) CRFM/WECAFC Joint Working Group established / held 1 st meeting in June 2012/ considered updated assessments and management plan. Martinique/ Guadeloupe attended / drafted a management declaration. Completed- CRFM Technical & Advisory Document, No. 2012/ 12, 8) Convene meetings of the CRFM Ministerial Council with Ministerial representation from Martinique (for Regional Declaration & provide policy guidance on SAP development). 8) Convened 2 Ministerial meetings/ Martinique invited to both/ provided guidance on SAP development. Declaration to be considered by Ministerial Body after it is adopted by CRFM’s Caribbean Fisheries Forum – expected completion by May In progress/ CRFM Management Report – PY 2012/13, Volume 2, Supplement 2/ CRFM Management Report PY2012/13, Vol.2, Suppl.3 9) Prepare report on the combined findings (case study SAP repport) 9) Report prepared based on the documented findings of all case study activities, which incorporated stakeholder views on all issues & proposed reforms for implementing EAF/EBM Completed. CRFM Technical & Advisory Document, No. 2012/ 14

Case Study – Lessons learned for TDA OBJECTIVELESSONS LEARNED 1) Improving data and information MCA is very valuable tool for promoting mulitple-objective decision-making, but requires time & personnel to complete. Fisherfolk keen to participate in management process. Fisherfolk have good knowledge of issues & opportunities, but capacity to communicate must be improved. Regular stakeholder consultations needed to guarantee accurate identification of management & data priorities, and cooperation to achieve set goals. Shared resource: national & regional data and information coordination necessary 2) Bioeconomic analysis/ bioeconomic criteria / management measures Support at senior management and policy-making levels for data collection and analysis is not apparent. Statistical systems are not actively used, & so inadequate data quality checks. Poor data – poor data analysis – uninformed management. CRFM scientific meeting provided good regional forum for regional assessment. 3) Incorporate predator prey interactions/ bioeconomic evaluation / holistic management Same as above, with addition that connected fisheries need to be given equal attention when priorities are identified and supported.

Case Study – Lessons learned for SAP (1) OBJECTIVELESSONS LEARNED 1) Stakeholder analysis  Lack of information/ interest by stakeholders – require capacity building, communication strategy, participation strategy  Short history of employing participatory processes in management  Current policies may not always support participatory management though some are changing – institutionalization of this is important  Lack of funds & organization to use participatory processes 2) Analysis of existing policy, legal and institutional arrangements and investments  National policy and legislation instruments are weak & need to be updated to incorporate obligations under the various regional & int. Fisheries agreements. Home-grown support and commitment to fisheries management aims required for successful reform. CRFM & CFP agreements are strong and hold good potential for regional management functions. 3) Memorandum of Understanding (CRFM & Martinique)  Easier to obtain cooperation via informal means, but formal arrangement essential for management success. 4) Regional Non-binding Declaration  Important to have good scientific basis to propose management actions. This was achieved for flyingfish via CRFM scientific meetings 5) Convene national meetings with key stakeholders  Important to have buy-in for regional declaration at national individual stakeholder level. The CRFM vertical network (national-CRFM) was very important for this.

Case Study – Lessons learned for SAP (2) OBJECTIVELESSONS LEARNED 6) Promote/mobilize CRFM networking via its Small Coastal Pelagic Fish Resource Working Group  Annual regional on-site meeting was effective in ensuring completion of agreed tasks, some of which proceeded slowly during the inter-sessional period. 7) Convene Senior level Joint meeting CRFM & WECAFC Ad Hoc Working Group on Flyingfish Meeting achieved its goals because of the preparatory work completed beforehand. 8) Convene meetings of the CRFM Ministerial Council with Ministerial representation from Martinique.  Documentation and decisions for Ministers must be clear, and consensus-building must be achieved at lower levels first. 9) Prepare report on the combined findings (case study SAP repport)  This report was informed by successful completion of the other supporting activities, which were informed by stakholder engagement.  Stakeholder engagement and input at all levels considered important for report that reflects practical options, which have also achieved consensus.

Case Study – Best practices for TDA OBJECTIVEBEST PRACTICES 1) Improving data and information proved valuable to use photo images to talk with fishers about management objectives, and to get them to debate the issues. proved valuable to use simple photo ordering system with fishers to prioritise management objectives and hence data priorities MCA was a good choice for a decision support tool for management of Eastern caribbean flyingfish 2) Bioeconomic analysis/ bioeconomic criteria / management measures Combination of biological and economic data and information created stronger and more potentially appealing and ueful management advice, as evidenced by reactions by senior managers and policymakers at CRFM meetings. 3) Incorporate predator-prey interactions/ bioeconomic evaluation / holistic management Same as 2.

Case Study – Best practices for SAP (1) OBJECTIVEBEST PRACTICES 1) Stakeholder analysis  Existence of Champions  Regional organisations have high capacity, interest and influence, and have potential for further development and strengthening.  regional organizations can increasing knowledge on facilitating participatory governance  Willingness and trust of stakeholders are present & essential 2) Analysis of existing policy, legal and institutional arrangements and investments  Regional exmaples exist within the OECS and CARICOM fora regarding fishing agreements, coordination of fisheries management efforts (OECS common surveillance zone, CRFM & CFP agreeements). 3) Memorandum of Understanding (CRFM & Martinique) Depsite lack of formal arrangement, informal cooperation has proven valuable. 4) Regional Non-binding Declaration  Had good scientific basis to support proposed management actions for flyingfish, via CRFM scientific meeting efforts. 5) Convene national meetings with key stakeholders  The vertical network (national-CRFM) played key role in obtaining buy-in for regional declaration at national individual stakeholder level.

Case Study – Best practices for SAP (2) OBJECTIVEBEST PRACTICES 6) Promote/mobilize CRFM networking via its Small Coastal Pelagic Fish Resource Working Group  CRFM annual scientific meeting and SCPWG on-site meeting allowed flyingfish scientists to strengthen their collaborative arrangements, and guaranteed completed assessments. 7) Convene Senior level Joint meeting CRFM & WECAFC Ad Hoc Working Group on Flyingfish  CRFM annual scientific meeting and SCPWG on-site meeting allowed flyingfish scientists to strengthen their collaborative arrangements, and guaranteed completed assessments for infrmong CRFM/WECAFC meeting. 8) Convene meetings of the CRFM Ministerial Council with Ministerial representation from Martinique.  Issues were presented to Ministers within industry and economic context. 9) Prepare report on the combined findings (case study SAP repport)  Stakeholder engagement and input at all levels helped achieve a strong report reflecting consensus.

References (Reports produced) 1.Ferrier E. and Singh-Renton, S Stakeholder Preferences for Regional Management Objectives: A Case of the Flyingfish Fishery of Barbados and Tobago. In CRFM Research Paper Collection, Vol. 6, 1-40 pp. 2.Campbell B. and Singh-Renton, S Towards an Ecosystem Approach for Flyingfish Fisheries in the Eastern Caribbean: An Evaluation of Multi-Criteria Analysis as a Tool for Improving Information in Multi- Objective Decision-Making. In CRFM Research Paper Collection, Vol. 6, pp. 3.CRFM Report of Sixth Annual Scientific Meeting – Kingstown, St. Vincent and the Grenadines, June CRFM Fishery Report Volume pp. 4.CRFM Report of Seventh Annual Scientific Meeting – Kingstown, St. Vincent and the Grenadines, June CRFM Fishery Report Volume pp. 5.CRFM Report of Eighth Annual Scientific Meeting – Kingstown, St. Vincent and the Grenadines, June CRFM Fishery Report Volume pp. 6.CRFM Report of the First Meetingof the CRFM/WECAFC Working Group on Flyingfish in the Eastern Caribbean, June 2012, St. Vincent and the Grenadines. CRFM Technical & Advisory Document, No. 2012/ pp. 7.McIvor, I.M The CRFM Meta-data Base Contribution to the Caribbean Large Marine Ecosystem (CLME) Project Information Management System (IMS) Component. CRFM Technical & Advisory Document, No. 2012/ 13. 9p. 8.Berry, D. S. & Tietze, U CRFM Consultancy Report on Review of Existing Policy, Legal and Institutional Arrangements for Governance and Management of Flyingfish Fisheries in the Caribbean Large Marine Ecosystem. CRFM Technical & Advisory Document – Number 2012/ pp. 9.CRFM CRFM Consultancy Report on Stakeholder Identification and Analysis of the Flyingfish Fishery in the Wider Caribbean. CRFM Technical & Advisory Document – Number 2012/ pp. 10.Tietze, U., and Singh-Renton, S Strategic Action Programme for the Effective Governance and Management of Flyingfish Fisheries in the Caribbean Large Marine Ecosystem (CLME). CRFM Technical & Advisory Document, No / pp. 11.CRFM Report of the First Meeting of the Ministerial Sub-Committee on Flyingfish, St. John’s, Antigua and Barbuda, 18 October Volume 2 – Supplement 2. CRFM Management Report – PY 2012 / pp. 12.CRFM in press.. Report of the Second Meeting of the Ministerial Sub-Committee on Flyingfish, Port of Spain, Trinidad and Tobago, 22 February Volume 2 – Supplement 3. CRFM Management Report – PY 2012 / 13. in press.

A collection of major publications)