Wake up America What is happening to sea animals and how we can help them? By: Amanda Perez and Shannon Wichmann
Whales The whale is one of the largest mammals in the world. Their brains are bigger than a human’s! Since 1963 to 2009 over 30,000 sperm whales were killed. Even if we stop today, the whales will still be in trouble! Poor things!!!
Manatees Awwww! How cute! Manatees eat lbs. a day! Manatees get hurt by boat propellers daily. When boats hit manatees they can’t swim for 2 hrs. until it heals. It is also hard for them to get food when they can’t swim to the bottom.
Dolphins Dolphins have 1/3 more brain cells than humans. They locate their food with clicks and whistles. More than 1,000 dolphins are killed by fishing nets every day, even when they aren’t meant to be caught. There are more than 50 types of dolphins.
Beavers Beavers have warm, waterproof fur for swimming. They have underwater homes called lodges. Lodges can be more than 5 ft high! Beavers build their homes for not only them, but for hundreds of other animals too! How nice are they!``
Seals Baby seals have never been hunted in Antarctica. The big ones haven’t been hunted in a year! Their fat protects them from the cold water. Adult seals can hold their breath for an hour!
Sea Turtles Nests for sea turtles are becoming scarce. Hatchlings are disturbed by trash on the beach. If the trash bothers the mother, she will just go back to sea. Sea turtles die of trash, such as plastic bags, thinking it is food. Baby turtles will go opposite of the water if there are lights shining the other way. People hunt baby turtle eggs just to feed their pets, like snakes. How mean!
Sea Lions Sea Lions have a thick layer of blubber to keep warm. It takes males approximately 2 days to find a safe place to breed. People are hunting sea lions for their blubber. How mean!
Otters Otters can swim 7mph and hold their breath for up to 2 min. They don’t make any splashes or ripples when they jump in the water. Otters communicate mostly with their noses, but when they talk they talk with grunts, chirps, chuckles, whistles, and screams.
Sea Otters Sea otters are dying from oil spills, food limit, and overfishing. Adult Sea otters need at least 3 medium sized fish a day. Babies need 1 ½ medium sized fish a day!
Coral Reefs Coral reefs are dying from overfishing and pollution. If coral reefs are gone, then fish and other animals will lose their habitats. Starfish, clownfish, and all of those fish, live in coral reefs.
Air Pollution Air pollution comes from factories, power plants, dry cleaners, cars, buses, trucks, windblown dust and wildfires. Air pollution can affect humans, trees, lakes, crops, and animals.
Water Pollution Water covers 71% percent of earth’s surface. Water pollution can be a threat to our health and can cause death to animals.
. In March 24, 1989, the biggest oil spill happened. It covered hundreds of miles of water and hundreds of animals died. Since then oil spills have happened almost every day.
These are things that we can do to make the world a cleaner place. 1.Join a group and collect trash. Use less gas. Try walking or bicycling. 2.Buy organic food. 3.Avoid processed food. 4.Grow your own food. 5.Buy things that last longer. 5 things that we can do
Save Our Earth You might just be one person, but any help will save a piece of our earth. Tell people, tell people who know people; those people know people who know people. Together we can save our earth!
Credits Created By: Amanda Perez Shannon Wichmann With help from: Mrs. Wyda Mrs. Lowery Music By: Miley Cyrus “Wake Up America”