3%3% 3%3% Uses 50% 10%
Define Habitat Niche Population Community Ecosystem Habitat: location / place / area or local environment; characterized by, its physical features + its dominant producers; where, an organism / a population, lives Community all populations of all species within a specified area
Distinguish between food chains and food webs Producer Consumer Trophic level Autotrophic Carry out photosynthesis / carbon fixation Conversion of light energy to chemical energy Have light-absorbing pigments Photosynthesis equation:
3%3% 3%3% Uses 50% 10%
Organisms need to take in energy for metabolism Active transport Maintain homeostasis Temperature – Cell respiration: make ATP – C 6 H 12 O O H 2 O 6 CO H 12 O + ATP 6
Vocabulary Primary productivity: light energy chemical potential energy – kJ m -2 year -1 Gross primary productivity: total energy plants convert Net primary productivity: energy available to consumers
Nitrogen fixation: N 2 NH 3 or NO 3 - prokaryotes use nitrogenase Rhizobium: lives in plant roots (legumes) Leguminous plant roots produce lectins (proteins that bind polysaccharides on bacterial cell surfaces), bacteria then invade the roots which form nodules Nitrogen makes amino acids, distributed by xylem
Nitrogen fixation in the atmosphere Lightening forms NO 3 - which dissolves in the rain Haber Process Artificially react nitrogen + hydrogen gases to produce ammonia and converted to ammonium nitrate
Nitrification: convert ammonia to nitrite ions (NO 2 -) and then nitrate ions (NO 3 -) Occurs in well-aerated soil Plants in boggy soil
Denitrification: nitrate N 2
logyPages/F/FoodChains.html various aspects of energy flow through
Short animation ult.asp#542578__591740__ ult.asp#542578__591740__
Food chain with 10 % efficiency of energy transfer between trophic levels Phytoplankton zooplankton krill baleen whale Net primary production of phytoplankton is 1500 gm –3 yr –1. What is the net primary production per year for the zooplankton and the whale?
Nitrifying bacteria need aerated soil Denitrifying bacteria need water-logged soil
Energy flow p/courses/env470/Lectures/lec38/Lec38.htmhttp://jan.ucc.nau.edu/~doetqp- p/courses/env470/Lectures/lec38/Lec38.htm Numbers logyPages/F/FoodChains.html logyPages/F/FoodChains.html Overview ange1/current/lectures/kling/energyflow/ener gyflow.html ange1/current/lectures/kling/energyflow/ener gyflow.html