Technology: Classroom Applications and Teacher Networking Blogs
It’s 2011…… children are using technology. Should we? Schools in the 21 st Century.
Three Phases of Educational Technology Phase One: Teachers use technology to deliver dynamic lessons. (Dynamic presentations-using interactive white boards, video, etc.) Phase Two: Students use technology to access content knowledge. (Textbooks replaced with electronic media, web searches, webquests, wikispaces, etc.) Phase Three: Using 21 st Century Skills: Communication, Collaboration and Creation Student work brought to a wider audience. Student as producer, publisher, audience and peer reviewer. (Movies, podcasts, blogs, digital storytelling)
1.Join the CHILD network. 2.Create your own page. 3.Join a subject area group. 4.Upload files-station activities. 5.Chat with someone on line. 6.Ask questions. 7.Post a photo! 8.Join another NING! About Ning NingNing is the world's largest platform for creating social websites. Top organizers, marketers, influencers, and activists use Ning to create an online destination that weaves social conversations in content and inspire action.
OTHER NINGS sign up for a free educator’s Ning /
Wiki What is a Wiki ? A Wiki is simply a website that allows the easy creation and editing of any number of interlinked web pages via a web browser. Wiki means quick!
Kindergarten using podcast, blogs, videos. How to sign up for a free educators PBWorks wiki PBWORKS 2 nd grade using slide shows, eagle cam, voicethread, Google maps 5th grade class using Glogster, Picasa web, blog, Voci
Here are some good examples of Wikis created by educators: Teachers First Wiki: This is a Wiki Walk-Through which explains in simple terms how to use a Wiki, the benefits, and examples of how others are using Wikis. Link to Learning Wiki: This is an example of a Wiki designed by a teacher. There are activities for 1 st -6 th grade. eTool Box: This wiki is intended as a virtual eToolBox of resources for integrating technology into the classroom. It is chocked-full of resources, how-to’s, use in classroom, examples and more. Educational Wikis: This wiki is a repository of many exemplary educational wikis. Go here to find some of interest to you. OTHER WIKIs
Qwiki is like a mix between Wikipedia and Google images with a touch of storytelling! Search for a place, person, thing and then add your own content. Qwiki
Blogs Examples Definition: A Web + Log=Blog; an on-line diary, journal, or commentary. Free Blog Sites: There are numerous free blog sites for educators 1 st grade 4/5 Math
Sample prezi by a teacher! Sample prezi by college studentSample prezi by college student.
Teachers Sign Up For Free
We empower educators and students with the technology to create GLOGS - online multimedia posters - with text, photos, videos, graphics, sounds, drawings, data attachments and more. What? Glogster is a free site for teachers and students to create multimedia posters.
www. Another easy to use on-line digital storytelling site. Record your students stories and share by .
You are on your computer with a webcam in your class. Just released: Skype in the Classroom Skype with another teacher or classroom The teacher or class is gathered around a computer with a webcam in their class. Your computer Other computer
Students Creating Content Mr. Dusko st Century learner Top 10 Tips using technology Tech in classroom-butterfly field trip Learning to Change Not in Pay Attention Phases of Ed tech Mr Winkle wakes prezi www. tux typing