Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation: High Risk Diffuse Large Cell Lymphoma: Ginna G. Laport, MD Associate Professor of Medicine Division of Blood & Marrow Transplantation Stanford University Medical Center
Diffuse Large B-Cell Lymphoma: Stem Cell Transplantation for High Risk Patients Identifying “High Risk” Patients Autologous HSCT in High Risk Patients Phase II Trials Phase III Trials Allogeneic HCT
Transplants Transplant Activity Worldwide
Indications for Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplants in the U.S. Number of Transplants
clinicaloptions.com/oncology Evolving Options and Challenges in Mantle Cell Lymphoma Most common NHL: 31% –Peak incidence in 6th decade Large cells with loss of follicular architecture of node –30% to 40% present with rapidly enlarging, symptomatic mass with B symptoms Frontline chemotherapy (anthracycline-based + RTX) –CR 50-60% –Long term remission -> 30-35% Diffuse Large B-Cell Lymphoma
clinicaloptions.com/oncology Evolving Options and Challenges in Mantle Cell Lymphoma 5 Sehn LH, et al. Blood. 2007;109:1857 LegendRevised IPI Risk Group IPI Factors, n Very good0 Good1, 2 Poor3, 4, 5 Age >60 Perf Status Stage 3-4 LDH Extranodal Overall Survival According to Revised International Prognostic Index
clinicaloptions.com/oncology Evolving Options and Challenges in Mantle Cell Lymphoma Yrs OS Diffuse Large B-Cell Lymphoma DLBCL Subgroup5-Yr OS, % Primary Mediastinal64 Germinal Center B cell like (GCB) 59 Activated B cell (ABC) Rosenwald A, et al. J Exp Med. 2003;198: Survival by Gene Expression Profiling: DLBCL
Prognosis By Interim PET Scanning -Mixed results seen in 4 studies -2 studies confirm predictive value, 2 studies did not Safar et al, J Clin Oncol 2012;30: Time (months) PET positive (n=12) P=0.02 PET negative (n=73) Progression Free Survival n= Time (years) PET Positive P=0.146 PET Negative 24 Moskowicz et al. J Clin Oncol 2010;11: 1896 Progression Free Survival n= 112
High Risk Diffuse Large Cell Lymphoma Autologous HSCT in First CR/PR
High Risk Diffuse Large B Cell NHL: Frontline Autologous HCT Phase II Trials containing rituximab Groupn aaIPI >2 Therapy CR Rate PFS /EFS OS Follow up Tarella Mod R-HDS yrs Vitolo R-mega CEOP x BEAM/HCT yrs Dilhudy R CEEP BEAM HCT yrs Fitoussi R-ACVBP + BEAM/HCT yrs
Cochrane Database Sys Rev 2008;CD Meta-analysis: Autologous HSCT as Front Line Therapy N = 2228 No survival advantage for autologous HSCT in CR1 Haematologica 2003;88:1304 N = 3079 Overall survival advantage for autologous HSCT in CR1 compared to chemotherapy
clinicaloptions.com/oncology Evolving Options and Challenges in Mantle Cell Lymphoma Pts with ≥ PR after CHOP ± RTX x 5 (N = 253) CHOP ± Rituximab x 1 + Autologou HSCT* (n = 125) CHOP ± Rituximab x 3 (n = 128) Stiff PJ, et al. ASCO Abst R-CHOP x 8 vs R-CHOP x 6 Cycles + Autologous HSCT (SWOG S9704) Eligibility: Bulky stage 2-4 Hi-int/High IPI
clinicaloptions.com/oncology Evolving Options and Challenges in Mantle Cell Lymphoma Stiff PJ, et al. ASCO Abstr Outcome, %CHOP ± R + AutoSCT (n = 125) CHOP ± R (n = 128) P Value 2-yr PFS (all)69%56%.005 High-interm IPI 60%63 % High IPI 75%47 %.02 2-yr OS (all)74%71%.16 High-inter IPI pts 70%75% High IPI pts 82%64%.01 Autologous HSCT prolonged PFS high-intermediate high-IPI Autologous HSCT prolonged OS high-IPI ASCT After CHOP ± Rtx Improves PFS in Advanced High-Risk Diffuse NHL
clinicaloptions.com/oncology Evolving Options and Challenges in Mantle Cell Lymphoma Newly diagnosed DLBCL, aaIPI > 2 n = 399 Newly diagnosed DLBCL, aaIPI > 2 n = 399 RANDOMIZERANDOMIZE RANDOMIZERANDOMIZE R-CHOP x 3 R-mega CHOP SD, PD off study PR, CR Ann Oncol 2011; 22 suppl 4: abstr 72. RANDOMIZERANDOMIZE RANDOMIZERANDOMIZE BEAM AutoHCT Observation only Italian Lymphoma Foundation 2 x 2 Randomized Trial with Autologous HSCT in High Risk Patients
Italian Lymphoma Foundation 2 x 2 Randomized Trial with Autologous HCT in High Risk Patients (median followup = 23 mos) PFSOS No BMT5983 BMT7283 P value.008NS - Risk of relapse was 53% lower in BMT patients - No overall survival difference between two arms` Months HDT No-HDT Progression Free Survival P=.008
High Risk Diffuse Large Cell Lymphoma Is there a role for allogeneic HSCT??
Years Survival after Allogeneic HCT for Diffuse Large B-Cell Lymphoma, By Disease Status Probability of Survival, % P < Sensitive (N=383) Resistant (N=124)
Reduced Intensity Allogeneic HSCT (after autologous HSCT relapse) nAblat/RICOSPFSNRMF/U EBMT10137%; 64%53%41%28%3 yrs Italian16530%; 70%39%32%28%2 yrs Factors affecting outcomes Dz status at time of allogeneic HCT Time to relapse after autologous HCT ( 12 m) Did not affect outcome Prep regimen Rigacci et al, Ann Heme 2012;91:931 van Kampen et al. JCO 2011;29:1342
Need better tools to identify high risk patients Current studies suggest that high-IPI subtype may benefit from autologous HCT early as front line therapy More studies needed to further define role of autologous HSCT as front line therapy –Need study that includes only ABC-subtype Role of allogeneic HSCT in high risk population? Hematopoietic SCT for High Risk DLBCL
Stanford University
clinicaloptions.com/oncology Evolving Options and Challenges in Mantle Cell Lymphoma Relapsed/ refractory DLBCL n = 396 Relapsed/ refractory DLBCL n = 396 RANDOMIZERANDOMIZE RANDOMIZERANDOMIZE R-ICE x 3 R-DHAP x 3 Auto SCT SD, PD off study PR, CR J Clin Oncol 2010; 28:4184–4190. Which salvage regimen is the best? RANDOMIZERANDOMIZE RANDOMIZERANDOMIZE Rituximab q2mos x 6 Rituximab q2mos x 6 Observation only Role of maintenance rituximab Role of maintenance rituximab CORAL Trial: Collaborative Trial in Relapsed Aggressive Lymphoma
clinicaloptions.com/oncology Evolving Options and Challenges in Mantle Cell Lymphoma Overall SurvivalEvent Free Survival P =.49 Mos P =.27 Mos R-ICE R-DHAP CORAL Trial Survival according to Salvage Regimen GCB vs ABC 3 yr PFS: 70% vs 28% R-DHAP vs R-ICE in GCB pts: 3 yr PFS: 100% vs 27%
CORAL Trial: EFS by relapse time after initial therapy Relapse > 12 mos from dxRelapse < 12 mos from dx predicted for poor outcome after autologous HCT
JCO 2012, In press EFS RTX Obs p=.74 PFS Female Male p=.04 Female pts benefited from RTX maintenance
CORAL: Factors affecting survival in relapsed DLCL patients EFSOS Prior rituximab Relapse < 12 mos<.0001 <.0001 sIPI<.0004<.0001 R-DHAP vs R-ICE (Except for GCB pts) p
clinicaloptions.com/oncology Evolving Options and Challenges in Mantle Cell Lymphoma Philip T, et al. N Engl J Med. 1995;333:1540 P = EFS (%) Mos After Randomization P = OS (%) Mos After Randomization Transplantation Conventional treatment PARMA Study: BMT vs Salvage Chemotx for Relapsed DLBCL Event Free SurvivalOverall Survival