Welcome to the NEW LitFinder! This guided tour will show how a new interface, new functionality, and a host of new features allows students and patrons to easily search for —and find— works of poetry, short fiction, essays, drama and speeches from throughout time and all over the globe. Sit back and relax—or scroll through these pages at your own speed.
LitFinder is Gale’s premier resource for full-text works of classic and contemporary literary works, including: Poetry Short Fiction Classic Novels Essays Dramas/Plays Speeches This major interface update increases the flexibility, functionality and precision of LitFinder and LitFinder for Schools
In addition to this wide array of literary forms, Litfinder also includes a number of secondary materials, including: Biographical Essays Topic Overviews Work Overviews Images These materials provide a deeper level of detail and understanding to the nearly 150,000 full-text works found throughout LitFinder
There are 4 main search paths in the new LitFinder including: Basic Advanced Person Works In Basic Search, you can limit by content type, publication dates, publication century, full-text, and more.
In Advanced Search, you can expand your criteria by combining any number of 25 unique indexes within LitFinder to narrow your search query.
Person Search allows you to search using any number of criteria to locate large groups of writers or individual authors. There are over 80,000 authors included in LitFinder, including: 30,000 female authors Hundreds of nationalities 6 unique ethnicities
Works Search allows users to focus on specific kinds of literature or works from larger groups, like literary schools or movements: The Beat Generation Black Mountain Poets Children’s Literature Harlem Renaissance Humor and Satire Inaugural Addresses Light Verse Long Island (NY) Poets New York School Novels and Novellas Regional American Stories Sermons and Prayers And more…
Works in LitFinder come from over 80,000 authors, ensuring broad coverage of canonical, contemporary, award-winning and emerging authors. Let’s take a look at a simple search path in the new LitFinder. Finding information by and about individual authors is easy—in this case, we’re going to search for Walt Whitman.
Once I’ve searched on my chosen term, title or name, a result list will show related matches, as well as author information to help you hone in on your result. You can also sort by name, year of birth, year of death and nationality. In this case, Whitman’s entries are easily found and selected.
Once I click on the author name I’m looking for, a four-tab display will appear. These tabs include primary and secondary sources related—in this case—to Walt Whitman. The first tab is Biographies, and will include commissioned essays outlining a given authors life and times. As I mouse over each tab, a brief description of that content set will appear.
LitFinder also includes Topic and Work Overviews, providing an in- depth look at individual works of poetry, literary movements or topics at large. These essays are found unique documents through Works Search and Advanced Search.
There are over 150,000 full-text works in LitFinder, along with over 800,000 citations of poetic works. You can sort by pub date, document type and author name. In addition, you can narrow your results by Subject, Publication Title, and more!
To further refine results, you can search within results or execute an entirely new search from a result list.
There are over 150,000 full-text works in LitFinder, along with over 800,000 citations of poetic works. At the results view, a tool kit allows users to print, , or download a given work as well as generate a citation in MLA or APA format. Full-text works can also be translated into one of 9 different languages.
Litfinder includes thousands of author portraits, photographs and illustrations, all found under the multimedia tab. In the future, you’ll also find author readings, interviews and links to author and author society websites.
Indispensable as a literary tool, LitFinder’s applications span across disciplines like the humanities, social sciences, and history. The database also includes thousands of essays covering centuries of thought and a wide range of topics.
LitFinder’s multidisciplinary coverage is furthered with the inclusion of thousands of speeches throughout time, including all presidential addresses, major orations concerning politics, race, religion and other touch points that reflect changes in society at large or in a particular region of the world or point in history.
In addition to the 6,000+ works of short fiction in LitFinder, major novels and works of drama are also included.
We hope you enjoyed this tour of Gale’s NEW LitFinder! You can also find LitFinder as a cross-searchable element in Gale’s Literature Resources platform, allowing integrated results with Literature Resource Center, the MLA International Bibliography, the Gale Virtual Reference Library, and other Gale Literature databases. Thank you!