Russia Environment By Gary Hu and Debbie Chan
What Environmental Problems Does Russia Have? Air pollution has been Russia’s most concerned environmental problems Air pollution has been Russia’s most concerned environmental problems
Air Pollution Only an estimated 15% of air in Russia remains unharmed. Only an estimated 15% of air in Russia remains unharmed. Of the 43.8 million tons of pollutants released into the air in 1993, 57% of it was caused by industrial enterprises. The other 43% was caused by vehicle emissions Of the 43.8 million tons of pollutants released into the air in 1993, 57% of it was caused by industrial enterprises. The other 43% was caused by vehicle emissions Although the industrial productions have been reduced to keep Russia’s air quality safe in 1990, Russia’s air is still rated one of the world’s most polluted countries Although the industrial productions have been reduced to keep Russia’s air quality safe in 1990, Russia’s air is still rated one of the world’s most polluted countries Thousands of Russians suffer from cancer and asthma and other diseases Thousands of Russians suffer from cancer and asthma and other diseases Children are born with birth defects and has intellectual developing problems as a result of pollutions Children are born with birth defects and has intellectual developing problems as a result of pollutions Coal mining and metallurgical centers have severely polluted Russia’s air and water. Coal-mining and metallurgical centers have severely polluted Russia.
Polluted Areas of Russia Pink area: critically degraded areas Blue areas: Heavily polluted bodies of water Blue rivers: Heavily polluted rivers Blue striped-line areas: High level of acid rain Red balls: radioactive waste dumping sites Green triangles: degraded forest areas Red squares: Plutonium production plant ball
How has Russia Tried to Solve this Problem? Although Russia’s environmental problems are increasing in danger, their government has refused to help. Russia has signed on to multiple environmental agreements, but they have been discouraged from taking any environmental action. However, since the 1990’s, they have started many environmental organizations.