District 11 Teacher Site Enhancements – DRAFT – Vision: Enhance and improve teachers sites so they offer greater functionality and ease of use for instruction, personalized learning, and communication/collaboration amongst teachers, students, staff, parents, etc. The ideas for enhancing features and functionality that follow come from teachers and staff: 1.Trainings 2.Site visits 3.One-on-One conversations 4.Survey 5.Focus groups
Template Add Word, Excel, and PowerPoint templates (stored in Documents library) as the default "New Document" template for all Shared Document libraries (homepage and class), Personal Documents, and all Student Files (Drop box) libraries – in progress Replace drop box icon with one that's reduce in size: 100 Horz X 115 Vert pixels – in progress Target Teacher Tools web part on homepage so that only teacher owners see it – in progress Target Discussions link on homepage so that only teacher owners and all students group see it – in progress Increase width of work area to 1000 pixels or more; leave QL width the same – in progress Add Teacher Home Page link at top of class/section quick launch bars that takes users back to teacher landing page – in progress Change default view of permissions groups to List View rather than Detail View – in progress
Template – cont. Give teachers the option to merge classes between quarters and/or semesters. Example: MS science is taught quarters 1-4, but teacher wants only one site for this class, not one for each quarter. This teacher would be able to select which quarters to merge into one class. This is complex, but we are exploring options for merging class content from multiple quarters (or semesters) to one class. Allow parents to access sites at teachers’ discretion using Q Parent Connect login – IT is exploring this but cannot automatically maintain it Font changes: Add Century Gothic font and expand choices of font sizes to the following: 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22, 24, 26, 28, 36, 48, 72 – consultant is exploring Lockdown display of selected items so that users as less likely to "break" things. This includes customizing ribbon and drop down menus – consultant and IT staff are exploring Give teachers some options for using themes – awaiting focus group feedback Discuss customizing templates for age appropriate content (e.g., ES vs. Secondary) – awaiting focus group feedback
Announcements Customize entry dialog to include start date (already has expiration date), and create additional view to leverage start date; apply change to all teacher and class site announcements web parts – in progress Calendar Rollup content from Class Assignments to Class Calendar list web part – in progress Change default view of calendar web part to show the following fields in order: Title, Location, Start Time, End Time, All Day Event (flag), Category, Linked Files. Remove Recurrence and Workspace icons/columns from default view. Sort from newest to oldest start date/time – in progress Explore options to add color coding to categories (e.g., lesson plans are green, assessments are orange) – this may not be possible, but consultant is exploring it. Add ability to select which class calendars entries on teacher home page go to which class calendars – consultant is exploring to see if this is possible Add new Calendar categories: Training, Assessment Day, PLC Meeting – any additional feedback?
Assignments Remove * from "Add to calendar" selector – in progress Rollup content from Class Assignments to Section Assignments – in progress Add ability to select a student or a group of students specific to that assignment – awaiting focus group feedback Develop a web part to show students what assignments are pending and whether or not they have submitted a drop box item for pending assignments – awaiting focus group feedback Drop box Send students when flag is set to "Graded" on drop box items– in progress Add "Grade" column to drop box items so teachers and students can track grades – awaiting focus group feedback Explore possibility of adding folders to submitted files area: each student would have a folder and documents would go there when status is set to "graded" or perhaps when another action is invoked (e.g., teacher could select "Archive" option which would them move items from top level to student folder). Awaiting focus group feedback.
Discussions – all items awaiting teacher feedback, then will work with consultant to see what is possible with time and budget restraints Add start/end dates to top-level posts Set permissions so only teachers can create top-level posts Explore ability for teachers to send posts to one or group of students Explore ability to play videos within discussion tool Explore adding approval options so teachers can approve content before it's posted (default=no content approval required) Explore adding ratings to posts Revise display or create an additional display to user can see all activity related to their posts and responses to them Setup alerts so that user who posted gets notified when others reply to his/her post
District 11 Teacher Site Enhancements – DRAFT – Other thoughts, ideas, etc.???