TRAFFIC RECORDS INFORMATION SYSTEMS Crashes Driver Records Vehicle Information Roadways Citation & Adjudication Injury Surveillance & EMS 9 Core Highway Safety Databases
CRASH DATA (WSDOT) Time & Location Driver & Occupants Weather Blood Alcohol Content (BAC) Vehicles 10
DRIVER RECORDS (DOL) Name, Address, and License Number Age, Date of Birth, and Gender License Status Driver History Driver Training 5
VEHICLE INFORMATION (DOL) Owner Information Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) License Plate Number Vehicle Year/ Make/Model Commercial Motor Vehicles 6
ROADWAY DATA (WSDOT) Location Classification Roadway Condition Number of Lanes Shoulder Type and Width Median Descriptors Traffic Control Devices Pavement Types Average Annual Daily Traffic (AADT) 7
LAW ENFORCEMENT (WSP’s SECTOR) AND ADJUDICATION (AOC) Citation & Adjudication Tracking Prosecution Conviction Sentencing Recidivism 8
INJURY SURVEILLANCE (DOH) Hospital Assessment of Injury Severity Length and Cost of a Hospital Stay Length and Cost of Rehabilitation EMS Response Time Emergency Department Death Records 9
DATA QUALITY METRICS Timeliness Accuracy Completeness Uniformity Integration Accessibility 10
OTHER TYPES OF DATA Demographic Data Behavioral Data Seatbelt and CPS observation surveys Previously Attitudes, Knowledge, and Awareness survey -> Statewide Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance Survey (BRFSS) Safety Program Evaluation Data Fatality Analysis Reporting System (FARS) 11
FATALITY ANALYSIS REPORTING SYSTEM (FARS) at WTSC Census of Fatal Traffic Crashes Crash Vehicles People involved Data Gathered from State and Other Data Sources Police accident reports Driver/vehicle data systems Hospital/EMS reports Vital records Coroner/medical examiner reports Transmitted to NHTSA Daily 12
WHY ARE THEY WORTH YOUR ATTENTION? MAP (c) Incentive grants Traffic Records Committee Highway Safety Plan Annual Report Strategic Highway Safety Plan: Target Zero 6
405(c) INCENTIVE GRANTS Historically between $700,000 – $800,000 per year Washington must meet eligibility requirements Unspent funds may roll over, up to 3 years Must be spent on Traffic Records projects, per “Use of Funds” Specific projects reviewed and approved by the TRC March/April/May 15
SECTION 405(c) – ELIGIBILITY REQUIREMENTS 16 Traffic Records Committee (TRC) Meets at least three times/year Be chartered or legally mandated Have multidisciplinary membership Have a designated TRCC coordinator State Traffic Records Strategic Plan approved by the TRC Last update 2009 Updated scheduled for Q4 2014/Q1 2015
SECTION 405(c) – ELIGIBILITY REQUIREMENTS (CONT.) 17 Demonstrated Quantitative Progress in at Least One Significant Data Program Attribute Traffic Records Assessment within the Last Five Years –> 2014! Maintain aggregate expenditures from all State and Local sources at or above the average level of such expenditures from FY2010 and FY2011
SECTION 405(c)– USE OF FUNDS 18 Data Program Improvements to Core Highway Safety Databases Improvements must be quantifiable and measurable in program data quality metrics (accuracy, completeness, timeliness, uniformity, accessibility, or integration)
TRAFFIC RECORDS COMMITTEE Oversee Planning and Improvement of State’s Traffic Records Systems Develop, Implement, and Monitor the Strategic Plan Approve Strategic Plan and Implementation Plan Annually Influence Agency Policy Decisions that Impact the State’s Traffic Records Systems Identify Performance Measures and Monitor Progress Provide Meaningful Coordination Among Stakeholders 19
TRAFFIC RECORDS COMMITTEE 20 Data Integration Sub-committee
WTSC (SHSO) TRAFFIC RECORDS COORDINATOR Highway Safety Office’s Traffic Records Coordinator Traffic records champion Liaison with Federal agencies regarding strategic plan Point of contact for traffic records funding and issues Supports TRC Oversight Coucil; Chair of TRC Workgroup Manages Traffic Records grants (Agreements, quarterly reports, reinbursements) Outreach and Education to “Sell the Vision” Website Conference presentations Training Request Technical Assistance Strong SHSO support and leadership is vital to the effectiveness and quality outcomes of a state TRC. 21
eTRIP Sub-Committee 22 eTRIP Governance Team Executive Leadership Team Judicial Services Director Assistant Director, Driver Services Director Manager, Statewide Travel and Collision Data Office Chief Technical Officer Senior Policy Advisor DES Representative WSP Representative (ITD, FOB) WSDOT Representative WTSC Representative DOL Representative AOC Representative WSDOTWSPOCIOAOCDOLWTSC Operations Managers Team Local Law Enforcement/ WASPC
Data Integration Sub-committee Formed by the TRC in March 2009 to identify solutions to link crash events and injury records (identified as a gap in the 2009 Traffic Records Assessment) The subcommittee will meet monthly to review, discuss successes and resolve barriers to data linking, to review and assist with analyses of the linked files, and to develop policies and strategies to accomplish this work now and in the future. In April 2014, WTSC hired Project employee Joyce Fan to: Begin testing methods and developing processes Lead the sub-committee 3 Year commitment by TRC 23
STRATEGIC HIGHWAY SAFETY PLAN Your participation in the SHSP, which is viewed by the U.S. DOT as Washington's comprehensive transportation safety plan, is imperative to the plan’s success. Updated every 3-5 years and submitted to FHWA Identifies and Analyzes Highway Safety Problems and Opportunities on All Public Roads Is Developed in Consultation with a Broad Range of Safety Stakeholders Includes the 4(or 5) Es of Safety 24
HIGHWAY SAFETY PLAN Summited by WTSC every July, detailing active projects to reduce fatalities and serous injuries The Highway Safety Plan uses data to: Identify the state’s top highway safety problems Establish overall highway safety performance measure targets Report progress in meeting prior year performance measure targets 20
ANNUAL REPORT Effectiveness of Programs And Initiatives Progress in HSP Meeting Performance Targets 26
www-nrd.nhtsa.dot.gov/Pubs/ pdf TRAFFIC RECORDS PROGRAM ASSESSMENT ADVISORY Guidance on Traffic Records Data Collection, Management, and Analysis Describes IDEAL Traffic Records System Contents Capabilities Data Quality Approach for Traffic Records Assessment 16
MODEL PERFORMANCE MEASURES FOR STATE TRAFFIC RECORDS SYSTEMS Quantify Systemic Improvements to Traffic Records Systems Develop and Track Performance Goals TR Strategic Plan Highway Safety Plan Establish Measures for Specific Traffic Records Projects Support Data Improvement Goals in the SHSP -nrd.nhtsa.dot.gov/Pubs/ pdf 17
NHTSA GO TEAMS Provide Technical Assistance or Training to Improve Traffic Records Data Collection, Management, and Analysis Capabilities Small group of one to three subject matter experts Address a smaller scale, short- to medium-term need Requests should address a specific traffic records improvement need Identified by the TRCC and SHSO ic+Records 19
EXAMPLE GO TEAMS TOPICS Data Integration: Evaluate available databases and facilitate discussion between data custodians to allow sharing and integration between agencies and suggest how integrated data could be used to identify problems and recommend and evaluate countermeasures Injury Surveillance: Facilitate discussions with data managers and help explain the importance of linking injury data with crash data, how data will be used, and address confidentiality concerns in order to move towards a data sharing agreement or MOU Citation/Adjudication: Help develop a “law table” to interpret the local charges and help States harmonize local and state statute citations so that more accurate data can be collected Source: NHTSA, “Requesting a NHTSA Go Team”, October ic+Records 20
NHTSA GO TEAMS (CONT.) Application Requirements Describe the issue in sufficient detail Submitted by state-designated representative via TRIPRS Approved by SHSO and TRCC Accepted on rolling basis First-come, first-served Source: “A New Method for Assessing State Traffic Records”, presentation by Dr. John Siegler, 2011 Traffic Records Forum, Charlotte, NC, August 1, ic+Records 21 State requests technical assistance on a specific TR issue State, working with its Regional Program Manager, prepares an application for assistance NHTSA identifies GO Team members and sends to State
U.S. DOT TRCC Comprised of NHTSA, FHWA, FMCSA, and RITA Coordinated Support for State Records Systems and Analysis through Member Agency Outreach, Training, Technical Assistance, and Grant Programs Better Utilize Departmental Resources, Identify Data Collection and Analysis Collaboration Opportunities, and Support The Integration of Traffic Records Data and Standards 22
CDC – WEB-BASED INJURY STATISTICS QUERY AND REPORTING SYSTEM (WISQARS) Interactive, On-line Database Fatal injury data Non-fatal injury data Violent death data Cost of injury data Data Parameters Intent of injury Mechanism/cause Body region Nature/type Geographic location Demographics 23