Division of State Service Centers Delaware State Housing Conference 10/11/2012 Anne M. Farley, Ph.D. Director
Delaware Health and Social Services MISSION We are a safety net for the chronic poor, working poor and newly poor. When individual and families have no place to turn, they come to State Service Centers for help with food, shelter, payment of utilities and other basic needs. We work to strengthen fragile families and communities through direct services and by promoting volunteer and service opportunities to address critical needs in Delaware. DIVISION OF STATE SERVICE CENTERS
Delaware Health and Social Services The centers are strategically located providing one stop shopping for human services delivered by Divisions of State Service Centers, Social Services, Public Health, and several other Divisions in Health and Social Services as well as the Department of Services for Children, Youth and Their Families and the Department of Correction. Regional Centers Adams (Georgetown) Milford, Williams (Dover) Hudson, Northeast, Porter Area Centers Shipley (Seaford) and DeLaWarr Neighborhood Centers Bridgeville, Laurel, and Pyle Smyrna Appoquinimink, Belvedere, Claymont 15 Community-Based Locations
Delaware Health and Social Services COMMUNITY SERVICES BLOCK GRANT The US DHHS $3,560,000, of which 90% is passed through to First State Community Action Agency and 10% is retained for administration and discretionary programs. Funds address the causes and conditions of poverty, promote self- sufficiency, family stability, economic opportunity and community development. LIHEAP (Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program) The US DHHS $12,000,000 to help Delawareans with incomes up to 200% of poverty with heating and cooling bills. Approximately 25,661 people are served annually. Of this amount, 10% is retained for administrative costs and 90% is distributed to eligible recipients. This program is administered in partnership with Catholic Charities. Office of Community Services
Delaware Health and Social Services “STAND BY ME” – A FINANCIAL EMPOWERMENT PARTNERSHIP A unique non-profit and government partnership between the United Way of Delaware and the State to create financial stability for all Delawareans by providing an array of free financial services such as income tax preparation, FAFSA assistance and budgeting. UTILITY FUND - FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE FOR ENERGY BILLS Assists with paying no more than $400 towards clients’ utility bills. Funding comes from consumer usage through utility deregulation rules applicable to Delmarva Power. Division of State Service Centers
Delaware Health and Social Services DIRECTORY OF HUMAN SERVICES FOR DELAWARE A listing of over 600 public and private non-profit organizations which offer health and social services to Delawareans in need. The Directory has been published for over 30 years and is provided free to all Delawareans on-line: http//dhss.delaware.gov/dhss/files/2011_hs directory.pdf The next edition of the Directory will be published in January, COMMUNITY RESOURCE AND ASSISTANCE SERVICES PROGRAM Center staff access donations from community agencies and resources as a result of partnerships they have developed over time; donations are county and locale specific. Division of State Service Centers
Delaware Health and Social Services DIABETES MEDICAL FUND Assists diabetic clients in obtaining supplies, medications and medical services. The maximum yearly assistance a client can receive is $400. EMERGENCY ASSISTANCE SERVICES Provides payments in an effort to avoid the destitution of a child or to eliminate an emergency need (i.e., food, shelter, clothing, utilities, etc.) Available to clients receiving TANF, SSI, GA, or Medicaid. KINSHIP CARE Voucher assistance to provide some of the immediate, transitional care needs for infants/children; voucher limit up to $500 per child; funded through DSS. Division of State Service Centers
Delaware Health and Social Services NEEDY FAMILY FUND Assists clients who are categorically eligible for Emergency Assistance Services (EAS) by being an active participant of TANF, SSI, GA or Medicaid; limit of assistance is once in a 12-month period. (Limit per client per year – $525) TEEN VOUCHER PROGRAM Non-monetary assistance for the infant of a TANF client who is ineligible for TANF cash benefits; voucher limit up to $69 per month until the age of 18; can receive three months in advance. Division of State Service Centers
Delaware Health and Social Services FAMILY VISITATION Provides a safe haven for children to visit and re-unite with non- custodial parents. This program is mandated by court order and administered in partnership with Family Court and community agencies. ADOPT-A-FAMILY Provides special assistance to low-income households at holiday time, back-to-school, and year-round. FOOD AND NUTRITION PROGRAM The Division provides state funding for the Food Bank of Delaware, which in turn funds 60 non-profits to stock food closets and mobile pantries in community based locations. Office of Community Services
Delaware Health and Social Services Performance STATE SERVICE CENTER VISITS
Delaware Health and Social Services Accomplishments, Trends and Performance Measure Indicators EMERGENCY AND TRANSITIONAL HOUSING SERVICES
Delaware Health and Social Services THANK YOU “Working hand in hand with our community.”