Health Promotion at work to build a healthier nation1 Health Promoting Schools Initiative is alive and well in Mpumalanga Heila Jooste Deputy Director: Health Promotion Mpumalanga Dept of Health & Social Services
Health Promotion at work to build a healthier nation2 Mpumalanga Province Nkangala Ehlanzeni Gert Sibande 3 Districts: Ehlanzeni Gert Sibande Nkangala
Health Promotion at work to build a healthier nation3 Nkangala District 522 Primary Schools 170 Secondary Schools 24 Combined Schools 716
Health Promotion at work to build a healthier nation4 Gert Sibande District 539 Primary Schools 89 Secondary Schools 35 Combined Schools 663
Health Promotion at work to build a healthier nation5 Ehlanzeni District 568 Primary Schools 216 Secondary Schools 8 Combined Schools 792
Health Promotion at work to build a healthier nation6 Health Promoting Schools per District Nkangala Ehlanzeni Gert Sibande Total 106 Total 106
Health Promotion at work to build a healthier nation7 Relationship Relationship with Department of Education at Provincial level is nonexistent; BUT…. At implementation level, where it is crucial, the collaboration is very good;
Health Promotion at work to build a healthier nation8 Methodology Every School identified as a potential health promoting school is methodically guided, assessed and established utilising the WHO information document: “Local Action Creating Health Promoting Schools”
Health Promotion at work to build a healthier nation9 Methodology cont… These tools provides guidelines to: Establish a school based committee; Establish an advisory committee; Identify and prioritise health and social challenges; Assess current interventions;
Health Promotion at work to build a healthier nation10 Methodology cont… Determine impact of health policies; Find opportunities for action; Goal setting and identifying objectives; Develop an operational plan; Develop a School Health Policy.
Health Promotion at work to build a healthier nation11 Assessment The school applies on an application form developed for this purpose Assessment by a team co-ordinated by the HP Assistant Director at district level Launch is organised and funded by the school
Health Promotion at work to build a healthier nation12 Assessment The application form is accompanied by: Completed tools; Operational plans; School Health Policy for the school;
Health Promotion at work to build a healthier nation13 Assessment cont… The assessment team evaluates: Operational plan and School Health Policy; Community involvement and outreach projects; Stakeholder involvement; Child-to-child programme; Health messages displayed on the classroom walls.
Health Promotion at work to build a healthier nation14 Child-to-child
Health Promotion at work to build a healthier nation15 The launch event During the celebration a Health Promoting School Charter is signed by the Stakeholders and thereafter a Certificate is awarded to the school
Health Promotion at work to build a healthier nation16 Assessment after launch Launched schools are regularly visited and assessed at least one a year by the Health Promotion Co-ordinator at municipal level and the Assistant Director in the district; An additional tool was developed for this purpose – focusing on sustainment and the areas in the application form.
Health Promotion at work to build a healthier nation17 Opportunities Health Promoting Schools is a focus area and appears as an indicator in the Department’s Strategic Plan; Integration between Safe Communities concept the HPS initiative; For the HPS initiative to be included in the Curriculum statement of the Department of Education;
Health Promotion at work to build a healthier nation18 Opportunities cont… To forge better relationships with the Department of Education at District and Provincial level by establishing a Provincial HPS Forum;
Health Promotion at work to build a healthier nation19 Challenges No national minimum requirements for a HPS; Support from other PHC programmes (e.g. HIV and Aids, Nutrition, Mother and Child, etc.).
Health Promotion at work to build a healthier nation20 Challenges cont… To create a good balance between time and energy spent on sustaining launched schools and those in the process of being launched especially in view of the lack of resources in the province.
Health Promotion at work to build a healthier nation21 Future plans Evaluation by independent institution; Fast track implementation to reach more schools in the province; Strengthening sustainment of launched schools. …
Health Promotion at work to build a healthier nation22 This presentation is in memory of John Mahlalela
Health Promotion at work to build a healthier nation23 John Mahlalela launched the first health promoting school in Mpumalanga in August 1999 and many more followed. Because of his passion for HPS his schools became best practice sites and he inspired every health promotion practitioner in Mpumalanga. We all have very fond memories of John and he will always be remembered …
Health Promotion at work to build a healthier nation24 Thank you for your attention!