Geographic features Braila. Braila is a city in Muntenia sounth-eastern part of Romania, a port on the Danube, in the close vicinity of Galati. Climate is temperate- continental, with a mean temperature of 11.1°C, hot, dry summers and cold winters. The waterway – the port of Brăila, located at 171 km from the Black Sea, made contact with the main seaports and waterways
The town of Braila was first mentioned in a document more then 630 years ago. Although, the origin and the meaning of its name is still unknown. Historical characteristics Braila.
Historical Monuments: The Old Center
The Monumental Clock has become one of the most important symbols of Braila. It was made in 1909 in Prague, and has a remarkable style. The 5 metre-tall clock has a face for each four main streets in Braila. The Statuary Group of “Traian”, dating 1906, was built on the initiative of the teachers of “Nicolae Balcescu” high school; it is the work of Tache D. Pavelescu and it is comprised of three bronze statues representing the she- wolf with her babies Romulus and Remus.
The “Maria Filotti” Theatre, named after a famous Brăilian actress, is a former palace, and dates The theatre has been running since 1949 however, and it represents a fabulous architectural masterpiece. Constructed in the baroque style, the theatre building displays exquisite interior decorations. “Maria Filotti” Theatre
Kinetic Fountain Monument Park The Public GardenThe History Museum Main Attractions in Braila
The Kinetic Fountain Situated in the civic central of the city, the fountain represents the work of the famous romanian sculptor, Constantin Lucaci. The moving seagulls,lighted during the night,and the vibrations of the polished surface they thus always offer a magnificent view.
The Public Garden With an area of 6.6 hectares, the garden was made,in In the middle of the garden is a unique floral clock, before which there is a fountain dating from In the park were also built three large statues of the national writers: Mihail Sadoveanu, Panait Istrati and Mihai Eminescu.
The Big and Small Island of Braila
Situated in the flooded area of the Danube, they are considered a natural Zoo and botany reserve, offering a magnificiant show of nature. Due to the fact that fauna contains especially species of birds which are driven to extinction and exists many rare plants, the Smalland Big Island of Braila are protected by the international law and fishing and hunting are supervised.
Personalities of Braila Hariclea Darclée (born Hariclea Haricli; June 10, 1860 in Brăila – January 12, 1939) was a celebrated Romanian operatic soprano. Panait Istrati (born in Braila) was a Romanian writer of French and Romanian expression. He is best-known for his novel Kyra Kyralina. D.P. Perpessicius was a literary historian and critic, poet, essayist and fiction writer.