Camberwell Networking 4 February 2013 Camberwell Business Club with Sue Ellson BBus AIMM MAHRI CAR (REIV)
Sue Ellson
history started at O’Donoghues First National in Camberwell Jul 2011 reviewed all local Camberwell networks joined Camberwell Centre Association Sep 2011 and semi-regular attendee at Camberwell Centre Association Friday morning meetings launched Camberwell Professionals Association Oct 2011 started Camberwell Business Functions from Apr 2012 facilitator for functions in Apr, Jun, Aug, Oct 2012 supported development of St John’s Business Roundtable Breakfasts Program since 2011 promoted various Camberwell initiatives through my networks started monthly After Work Drinks for Camberwellians Oct 2012 launched 20 November see LinkedIn for the rest!
purpose To be a portal of information, networking and events for people who live, work and network in Camberwell, Victoria, Australia. To support existing initiatives and share them with a wider audience. To build upon the business and social capital that has already been created both face to face and online.
information Information sharing has changed we need to think about keywords all the time we need to find our ideal customer/client and where they are circulating we still need to create an emotional connection to encourage ongoing involvement more information is available but it is not always accessed or used
networking Networking has changed more is done online after hours via online methods face to face is occurring less establishing a committed network takes more effort value propositions are more important personal and business brand management is essential authenticity and social proof are vital need to be connected locally and internationally now
events Events are changing remember printed invitations and RSVPs? Almost nil now no shows are increasing, late bookings are common time poor people are seeking direct benefit long term commitment is waning home based workers are seeking a social component some people do not attend any live events webinars and recordings/podcasts are becoming more popular
what do we have in Camberwell? Information mostly out of date records of local businesses (no central repository despite multiple efforts) few representations on Google+, Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn – and mostly real estate only (no engagement) spasmodic and inconsistent interest and support from local traders, businesses and government sparse quantifiable information on the Camberwell Business Proposition (proposal being developed)
what do we have in Camberwell? Networking very little online but have started with websites, Google+, Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn various events run by networks and individual organisations but usually not promoted across the Camberwell precinct plenty of coffee shops for direct business meetings but not many venues for business networking functions issues with head office versus staff and owners – connecting with the decision makers
what do we have in Camberwell? Events - Regular Camberwell Business Club, Mondays 1pm - 2pm Bistro Deco $20 includes lunch and speaker After Work Drinks for Camberwellians and Networkers, 3rd Wednesday Monthly 5:30pm - 7:00pm Palace Hotel $0 purchase own refreshments, donation to Foundation Boroondara Camberwell Business Forums, Tuesday Evenings, five this year, 5pm - 7pm St John's Anglican Church $20 or free for Camberwell Centre Association Members Breakfast Roundtable at St John’s Anglican, Thursday morning 8:30am - 9:30am, about four events per year $15 breakfast provided Business Boroondara Express, First Wednesday Monthly 6pm – 7pm at the City of Boroondara offices in Camberwell Free with refreshments provided Smart Networking Forum Camberwell, 1st Friday of the Month 12:30pm – 2pm at the Tower Hotel Membership Fee BNI Boroondara, Tuesday mornings 7:00am - 8:30am at the Camberwell Bowling Club Membership Fee Rotary Club of Camberwell, Wednesdays 6:15pm - 7:45pm, Canterbury Centre Membership Fee Heartlink Network (Women Only) Various times, usually mid morning in Camberwell Area $20
what do we have in Camberwell? Events - Irregular Dymocks Author Events – no regular time but very frequent Westpac Seminars – Nicholas Nathan Institute of Management Consultant lunches – Peter Buckingham City of Boroondara Workshops – only going to people on the mailing list and sometimes in local publications Others no-one has heard of apart from the clients of that business and their friends and family
what does Camberwell need? champions who share (with authenticity) and coordinate on an ongoing basis education to bring businesses up to speed with presence, branding and engagement, locally and internationally workers who accept responsibility for their part in the collective good (arts project example) take steps towards critical mass – every step in the right strategic direction is a step forward create a community model that we can share – Return on Investment and Return on Engagement can be measured Any questions?