Pocahontas The Real Story
Background There were 3 ships, not 1 - Godspeed, Susan Constant, and Discovery Ratcliffe was never governor of Virginia - Colony didn’t have a governor for the first couple of years - When he was chosen, it was as president Colonists all were looking for gold—no one wanted to farm. - Only survived the first winter because of Powhatan’s help
Background How does John Smith attitude change after he meets Pocahontas?
Powhatan Based on the movie, how many people did Powhatan have in his empire? … How many warriors?
Powhatan Had 28 to 34 tribes total Legend tells that he may have had up to 100 wives - Having a different child with each woman Children would not live with him until they were old enough Harsh ruler—collected payments of goods from his tribes up to 80 percent
John Smith Based on the movie, describe what John Smith looked like?
John Smith Based on the movie, how old do you think that John Smith was when he met Pocahontas?
John Smith John Smith was 28 when he met Pocahontas Red-haired, short, full beard, wore buffy pants (not armor) He did not go out to look for natives immediately. - He was arrested on the voyage and was not released until a month already in Jamestown
Pocahontas Based on the movie, how old do you think that Pocahontas was when she met John Smith?
Pocahontas Pocahontas was 11 when she met Smith Would not have worn a dress (may have had tattoos)
Pocahontas & Smith meet
The meeting They DID NOT meet until she saved him from execution - He was not capture sneaking away to see her - He was captured after he and another Englishman went out exploring by themselves Some question if it really happened at all - Smith liked to talk about how women always rescued him (his account is the only that we have) - Colonists did not know that he was there
Their relationship Were NEVER in love with one another, just friends She would often go to the fort to visit him, until… - She was told that he was dead, so she stopped visiting for a while In 1609, a gun powder bag exploded, injuring Smith. That’s why he went back to England.
Pocahontas Went to London (2nd movie) - not voluntary, kidnapped Ended up marrying John Rolfe - credited with first cultivation of tobacco by English
Pocahontas Went to London (2nd movie) - not voluntary, kidnapped Ended up marrying John Rolfe - credited with first cultivation of tobacco by English
Relationship with Kocoum Only information we have about him is one line - Pocahontas was married/engaged to Kocoum - Custom for chief to give daughters away, but Pocahontas would not have any say He did not die, but, natives had a custom of divorce by capture - Since Pocahontas was kidnapped, she was free to marry someone else
1. What are some ways Disney misrepresents the character of Powhatan 1. What are some ways Disney misrepresents the character of Powhatan? What do you know about him in real life—appearance, personality, etc.? 2. What are some ways Disney misrepresents the character of John Smith? What do you know about him in real life—appearance, personality, etc.? 3. What are some ways Disney misrepresents the character of Pocahontas? What do you know about her in real life—appearance, personality, etc.? 4. Disney tells the story of Pocahontas saving John Smith differently then it happened in real life. How is it different? Tell me as many of these differences as you can.