Health Information Databases Sabelo Mapasure, MA, MCLIP SCHT & PCTs Library & Knowledge Services Manager Shropshire Community Health NHS Trust
Aims and objectives Introduction to searching clinical databases to find information relevant to individual needs and interests Plan a search strategy to search for information Aware of various clinical databases Carry out a search for information Display/print/export/save search results Leave the session with some useful information of occupational interest, CPD or studies.
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Types of Questions What causes the problem? AETIOLOGY, RISK FACTORS What is the frequency of the problem? FREQUENCY Does this person have the problem? DIAGNOSIS Who will get the problem? PROGNOSIS, PREDICTION
P.I.C.O. Method P Population/patient I Intervention/indicator C Comparator/control O Outcome In Evidence Based Medicine (EBM), treatments and therapies are called ‘interventions’.
Plan your search PICO method Medical Subject Headings (MeSH) Keywords Combining Terms (AND, OR, NOT)
Example Question In patients with recurrent furunculosis, do prophylactic antibiotics, compared to no treatment, reduce the recurrence rate?
Example answer P Population/patient = patients with recurrent furunculosis I Intervention/indicator = prophylactic antibiotics C Comparator/control = no treatment O Outcome = reduction in recurrence rate of furunculosis
Boolean Logic AND OR NOT Wildcards e.g. * Proximity searching
Selecting the databases AMED (Allied and Complementary Medicine) BNI (British Nursing Index) EMBASE Medline CINAHL (Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature) PsycINFO Health Business Elite HMIC
Searching Simple Search Advanced Search Search using Thesaurus Mapping (recommended)
Search Results Display or Browse Save Print Export Alerts
Practical exercise 1. Plan your search strategy using given question or use your own. 2. Perform a search (advanced recommended) 3. Combine sets 4. Search limits by: adults, English, Display results 6. results 7. Change database and repeat search 8. Save Search and Create Alerts
Exercise 1 Clinical question: How effective is hypnotherapy as a form of treatment for irritable bowel syndrome?
Practical exercise 2 Clinical question: In a 70 year old woman with primary insomnia and a previous adverse reaction to hypnotics, can cognitive behavior therapy improve sleep quality and duration?
Practical exercise 3 Clinical question I am looking for references on treatment exercises i.e. anterior patellofemoral syndrome in adolescent girls.
Objectives - Recap Plan a search strategy to search for information Be aware of various clinical databases Carry out a search for information Display/print/export/save search results Leave the session with some useful information of occupational interest, CPD or studies.
Finally… Thank you for attending! Impact assessment (please complete online) training_appraisal_PCT_LKS training_appraisal_PCT_LKS Other courses are available, please ask Sabelo Mapasure SCHT & PCTs Library and Knowledge Services