Nursing Workforce Data – What do we have and what do we need? Blue Ribbon Commission on Nursing December 6, 2011
Future of Nursing Key Message #4 Effective workforce planning and policy making require better data collection and an improved information infrastructure.
Recommendation 8: Build an infrastructure for the collection and analysis of interprofessional health care workforce data. Six Points directed to The Workforce Commission and the Health Resources and Services Administration should coordinate workforce research efforts with the Department of Labor, state and regional educators, employers, and state nursing workforce centers to identify regional health care workforce needs, and establish regional targets and plans for appropriately increasing the supply of health professionals.
National Resources The National Health Care Workforce Commission (NHCWC) was established by the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) to inform such a policy. A distinguished group of experts was appointed to the commission over a year ago. However, that group has still been unable to begin its crucial work because Congress has yet to appropriate any funds for the Commission.National Health Care Workforce Commission
National Resources National Center for Health Workforce Analysis at the Bureau of Health Professions in the US Department of Health and Human Services. TC with Jennifer Nooney, PhD – National Nurse Sample Survey 2012 will focus on NPs; in 2012 new methods for projections will be piloted. Health Workforce Information Center
Data Points of Interest 1.Characteristics of RNs (age, gender, race/ethnicity, education) 2.Employment Settings 3.Trends in Supply (APRN and RN/LPN grads ) 4.Geographic Distribution 5.Projections of Future Supply 6.Nursing Shortage Areas
Supply Data : What We Have mailed surveys during re- licensure, previously supported by VT. AHS (55 to 80% response) 2010 – BON Adoption of Minimum Data Set and trial of “unlinked” request for RN’s to take an online survey (12% response) Support from National Council of State Boards of Nursing for access to electronic survey, data analysis and warehousing of data
Educational Data VT BON of Nursing Annual Report FACULTY How many full-time and part-time faculty did your nursing unit employ? How many unfilled budgeted full-time faculty positions did your nursing unit have? Did your unit hire any new full-time faculty during the 2010–2011 year?
Educational Data VT BON of Nursing Annual Report STUDENTS Enrolled Transferred In Completed by semester Attrition by semester (Academic or Withdrawal) # Graduated NCLEX Pass/Fail % rates for 1 st time candidates
Demand Data Office of Nursing Workforce - funded by VT AHS from 2001 to Healthcare Workforce Assessment Survey of Hospitals Home Health Agencies Nursing Homes a sample of primary care offices. AHEC Primary Care Workforce Snapshot (Annual)
Act 128 Requires: “detailed and targeted five-year strategic plan with specific action steps for attaining sufficient capacity in the primary care workforce and delivery system to achieve Vermont’s health care reform principles and purposes.” (emphasis added) Steve Maier Health Care Reform Manager Division of Health Care Reform, DVHA
PractitionerCurrent in Primary Care (FTEs) Maintain Current 2015 ± Univer. Access 2015 ± Other Reforms (Blueprint, etc.) 2015 TOTAL Add’l Need Physicians± ?+ 51 Other Prescribers (APRN, PA) ± ?+ 16 Nurses (RN and LPN) ± 585 (nurses) ? Other (incl. some CHT) ??? Mental Health, subs. abuse ??? Dentistry366??? Public Health Primary Care Workforce Needs