January + February Nature - animals Nature - plantsWinter weather Eco friendly actions. Recycle your Christmas tree. Recycle your Christmas cards. Food and farming
Christmas tree + recycling 5,500,000 Christmas trees are bought each year, most of which are thrown out after Christmas, creating enough tree waste to fill the Albert Hall 3 times over.’ taking your tree to your local authority recycling site where it will be shredded and chipped and used for compost Think about: Trees ready to be chipped for compost.
Christmas cards ‘An estimated 1.7 billion Christmas cards are sent each year in Britain – the equivalent of 200,000 trees.’ taking your cards to a Woodland Trust recycling point at WHSmith – trust.org.ukwww.woodland- trust.org.uk buying Christmas cards from charity shops that give a fair donation to the charity. Some institutions make recycled cards sending an e-card make little gift boxes out of recycled Christmas cards make your own Christmas cards in preparation for next year make next year’s gift tags make simple tree decorations by cutting out matching pictures and shapes by gluing them together and laminating them for durability Think about: Have fun!