DOWN TO ZERODOWN TO ZERO Down To Zero ̶ Eliminate Falls/Save Lives State Building & Construction Trades Council of California, AFL-CIO Funded by Federal OSHA (2013) This material was produced under grant number SH F-6 from the Occupational Safety and Health Administration, U.S. Department of Labor. It does not necessarily reflect the views or policies of the U.S. Department of Labor, nor does mention of trade names, commercial products, or organizations imply endorsement by the U.S. Government. PPT Section 8 of 8
DOWN TO ZERODOWN TO ZERO Fall Prevention Summary Falls are the leading cause of construction deaths (35% ) The 4 most common causes of falls are: 1.Unprotected sides and leading edges 2.Unguarded floor openings and skylights 3.Unsafe scaffolds 4.Unsafe ladders
DOWN TO ZERODOWN TO ZERO Fall Prevention Summary Cal/OSHA requires fall protection on a surface with an unprotected side or edge greater than 7.5 feet (6’ fed OSHA) above a lower level – Fall prevention: keeps workers from falling (guardrails and hole covers) – Fall arrest: catches workers after they have fallen (safety nets, catch platforms and personal fall arrest systems)
DOWN TO ZERODOWN TO ZERO Fall Prevention Summary The ABCs of Personal Fall Arrest Systems, include: – Anchorage (point and anchorage connector) – Body harness, and – Connector (lanyard) Anchorage points must support 5,000 lbs. or twice the intended load
DOWN TO ZERODOWN TO ZERO Fall Prevention Summary Floor openings must be secured, covered, labeled, Covers should support twice the load Skylights should be covered by temporary railing or skylight covers Scaffolds must be erected and dismantled under the supervision of a “qualified” person
DOWN TO ZERODOWN TO ZERO Fall Prevention Summary Most deaths from ladders happen at 10 feet or lower Set ladders at 4:1 height-to-base ratio Climb ladders using 3-point contact and don’t carry anything in your hands
DOWN TO ZERODOWN TO ZERO Questions? For more information please contact the SBCTC.