Literature Circles
Essential Question How can the use of literature circles increase student enjoyment and understanding when they read a novel?
Literature Circles Literature circles bring together two ideas: Independent reading Cooperative learning
What are Literature Circles? Literature Circles are small, temporary discussion groups of students who are reading the same piece of literature.
What are Literature Circles? Literature circles give students an opportunity to work independently (reading and activities) and cooperatively (discussion groups)
What do students do in literature circles? Read independently or with their group Participate in group discussions Each group member will have a specific responsibility (role) during discussion sessions The circles will meet daily and focus on one discussion role at each meeting until you have practiced each role
How do Literature Circles Work? Students all read the same text (in groups) You will read a novel Students are involved in creating questions based on the reading, having natural conversations about the text and taking notes Students use written or drawn notes to guide their reading and discussion Teacher is a facilitator, not a group member or instructor Evaluation is by teacher observation and student self-evaluation or reflection
Qualities of a Literature Circle Active Listener Looks at the speaker Gives the speaker full attention Doesn’t talk while the speaker is talking Doesn’t do anything distracting Supportive Positive Never criticizes Disagrees politely Participates Takes part in discussions willingly Demonstrates “thinking” during discussions Does not “tune out” after presenting job
Qualities of a Literature Circle Cooperative Follows directions of group leader Flexible, willing to move chair, etc. Prepared Work is done on time Work is complete Personal Best Work reflects best effort
Role of the Teacher The teacher models each role of the literature group. The teacher helps students to participate in conversations The teacher helps move the conversation forward
Discussion Roles: Vocabulary Enricher Connector Summarizer Discussion Director
Vocabulary Enricher: On the lookout for words in the text that are unusual, interesting, or difficult to understand Defines and discusses these words with the group
Connector: finds connections between the reading material and the outside world – personal experience, school, community, a topic studied in another class or a book you have read
Summarizer: Prepares a brief summary of “today’s reading” which conveys the main highlights or the key points in the pages read.
Discussion Director: Directs the discussion Helps people talk over the big ideas in the reading and share their reactions (could be thoughts, feelings and concerns) Writes questions that will lead to discussion by the group (Questions must be higher level thinking questions!)
What are higher level thinking questions? Questions that cannot be answered with just yes or no Requires thought by each member of the group Use the Literature Circle question stems or the Task Cards to help you
Good Discussion Starters What would you have done differently than the main character? What did you think about… What does the word ____mean? How are you like or unlike the main character? How did you feel about . . .
What should students do in the discussion groups? STUDENTS SHOULD: Actively participate Ask group members questions, and answer questions from each group member Engage in great conversations about the book they are reading Ask for clarification on any material that may have been confusing
How will class time be used? Each day you will have about 45 minutes to meet with your group to read assigned pages of the novel and then engage in great conversations about what you read You will receive reading assignments each day that each group must complete. You can read the text individually or as a group using cloze reading, finish the sentence or choral reading Completing specific assignments at the end of each day
OUTCOMES By participating in Literature Circles, students will: Read an interesting book with their group Brainstorm with their group to identify questions they will answer while reading Students will have engaging conversations about what they read to share thoughts, ideas and feelings about what they read Groups will have opportunity to share their thoughts about the book with the whole class
To achieve these outcomes, the students will: Read a book Play a role in discussions of the book Keep a response journal as you read the book to jot down ideas to share Present as a group, a five minute response to the book
How will students be graded? Students will be graded on: Having your job completed each day and being ready for discussion group Teacher evaluates by observation during discussion Final project/presentation when book is finished Students evaluate their own progress at the end of the literature circle each day
It is important for students to: Participate!! Keep up with their reading assignments Keep up with their role in the group Respect others and their opinions Treat group members in a positive way—the way they want to be treated
Revisiting Essential Question How can the use of literature circles increase student enjoyment and understanding when they read a novel?