INTRODUCTORY REMARKS Stewart Baillie, Unmanned Systems Canada
Key Messages about Unmanned Systems Canada Stewart Baillie Chairman Unmanned Systems Canada October 2014
A Non- Profit Organization Representing the Unmanned Systems Sector in Canada (Air, Land and Sea) Our Mission – To grow the industry and assist our members to be successful Public Outreach Regulatory Development Association Events Unmanned Systems Canada
a meeting place for members a starting point for new innovation and business relationships. Our 12 th Annual Conference Montreal - Nov 4-6, 2014: 1 day of Workshops on regulation, civil/commercial ops and ground robotics 2-days of technical presentations and tradeshow Annual Conferences
UAV Regulation in Canada (Oct 2014) All Canadian airspace is controlled by either Transport Canada or DND (The Canadian Aeronautics Act) UAV Operations for Commercial Purposes are Legal and authorized via a Special Flight Operations Certificate. The Latest News in Canadian Regulations will be found at our upcoming Annual Conference.
Stop by the USC Booth….. I’ll be here and will be happy to talk UAV with anyone! And consider joining us at our annual conference this year…. Montreal November 4-6,