Advertising Strategies Chapter Four: Listening
Media is Everywhere! Average time American teens spend watching TV a day: 4 hoursAverage time American teens spend watching TV a day: 4 hours 54% of American kids have a TV in their bedroom54% of American kids have a TV in their bedroom Americans have gone from seeing 500 ads a day in the 1970’s to as many as 5,000 a day todayAmericans have gone from seeing 500 ads a day in the 1970’s to as many as 5,000 a day today tch?v=gpRQhVd63Y8http:// tch?v=gpRQhVd63Y8http:// tch?v=gpRQhVd63Y8http:// tch?v=gpRQhVd63Y8
Types of Advertisements RadioRadio TV CommercialsTV Commercials Internet adsInternet ads BillboardsBillboards MagazinesMagazines NewspapersNewspapers Any others?Any others?
Hasty generalization Conclusions or opinions that are drawn from very few observations or that ignore exceptionsConclusions or opinions that are drawn from very few observations or that ignore exceptions
Begging the question Assuming the truth of a statement before it is provenAssuming the truth of a statement before it is proven
False Premise Stated or implied starting point for an argument that is untrue or distorted.Stated or implied starting point for an argument that is untrue or distorted.
False Analogy Draws invalid conclusions from weak or often far- fetched comparisons.Draws invalid conclusions from weak or often far- fetched comparisons.
Irrelevant evidence Information that has nothing to do with the argument being made.Information that has nothing to do with the argument being made.
Transfer Builds a connection between things that are not logically connected.Builds a connection between things that are not logically connected. Connection between a product and a positive value.Connection between a product and a positive value. TV Example: watch?v=7i4rrcE5qdITV Example: watch?v=7i4rrcE5qdI watch?v=7i4rrcE5qdI watch?v=7i4rrcE5qdI
Bandwagon Technique that encourages people to buy something because everybody else is doing itTechnique that encourages people to buy something because everybody else is doing it Form of peer pressureForm of peer pressure TV Example: m/watch?v=IZ7EUKsgy 1QTV Example: m/watch?v=IZ7EUKsgy 1Q m/watch?v=IZ7EUKsgy 1Q m/watch?v=IZ7EUKsgy 1Q
Name-Calling Intended to inspire powerful negative feelingsIntended to inspire powerful negative feelings Represent a person, product or group as inferior without providing evidence to support the claimRepresent a person, product or group as inferior without providing evidence to support the claim TV example: /watch?v=wAP2yVsgI6cTV example: /watch?v=wAP2yVsgI6c /watch?v=wAP2yVsgI6c /watch?v=wAP2yVsgI6c
Card-Stacking Based on half-truthsBased on half-truths Presents only partial information in order to leave inaccurate impressionPresents only partial information in order to leave inaccurate impression TV Example: /watch?v=QWVFVNpEJ FwTV Example: /watch?v=QWVFVNpEJ Fw /watch?v=QWVFVNpEJ Fw /watch?v=QWVFVNpEJ Fw
Stereotype Biased belief about a whole group of people based on insufficient or irrelevant evidenceBiased belief about a whole group of people based on insufficient or irrelevant evidence Ignores the individualIgnores the individual TV Example: m/watch?v=8tZR3M7S QwATV Example: m/watch?v=8tZR3M7S QwA m/watch?v=8tZR3M7S QwA m/watch?v=8tZR3M7S QwA
Loaded Words Evoke or draw out strong positive or negative attitudes toward a person, group or idea.Evoke or draw out strong positive or negative attitudes toward a person, group or idea. Can create biasCan create bias TV Example: watch?v=TRMjvSxe1x8TV Example: watch?v=TRMjvSxe1x8 watch?v=TRMjvSxe1x8 watch?v=TRMjvSxe1x8
Emotional Appeal Used to provoke various emotional reactions to persuade consumersUsed to provoke various emotional reactions to persuade consumers Tear-Jerker: atch?v=R4vkVHijdQkTear-Jerker: atch?v=R4vkVHijdQk atch?v=R4vkVHijdQk atch?v=R4vkVHijdQk Inspirational: atch?v=9op_Bb1C5OoInspirational: atch?v=9op_Bb1C5Oo atch?v=9op_Bb1C5Oo atch?v=9op_Bb1C5Oo Funny: atch?v=h8qgk5tXuUAFunny: atch?v=h8qgk5tXuUA atch?v=h8qgk5tXuUA atch?v=h8qgk5tXuUA