METU Computer Engineering Department CENG 213 Data Structures METU Computer Engineering Department CENG 213
CENG 213 Lecture Hours: Office Hours: Instructor: Müslim Bozyiğit (Prof.Dr.), Tel.: 2932, Office: R215 Email: Lecture Hours: Monday 9:40 - 11:30 R-109 Wednesday 10:40 - 11:30 " " Office Hours: Wednesday 9:40 - 10:30 R-215 Tuesday 9:40 - 11:30 " " Course Objectives: To introduce abstract concepts for data organization and manipulation, to show how these concepts are useful in problem solving. Prerequisite: CENG 140 CENG 213
Text Book and References Mark Allen Weiss, Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis in C++ (3rd ed.), Addison Wesley, 2006 (Current Textbook). M. T. Goodrich, R. Tamassia and D. Mount, Data Structures and Algorithms in C++, John Wiley & Sons, 2004. S. Sahni, Data Structures, Algorithms, and Applications in C++, McGraw Hill, 1998. H. Deitel and P. Deitel, C++ How to Program, 4th ed. Prentice Hall, 2003 (or any book on C++) . CENG 213
Course Outline Overview of object-oriented programming with C++ [chapters 1-2] Algorithm analysis [chapter 3] Stacks, queues, vectors, lists, sequences [chapters 4-5] Trees, priority queues, dictionaries [chapters 6-9] Hashing Sets and sorting [chapter 10] Graphs [chapter 12] CENG 213
Grading Midterm Exam 1 20% Midterm Exam 2 20% Final Exam 30% Assignments 30% CENG 213
Policies Lateness policy: Late assignments are penalized up to 10% per day, upto three days. All assignments, quizzes and programs are to be your own work. Attendance is taken and treated according to the university regulations. CENG 213