2012 SLDS P-20W Best Practice Conference 1 T HE RI D ATA HUB: R HODE I SLAND ’ S S TORY Tuesday, October 30, 2012 Peg Votta, RI Department of Education Deborah Grossman-Garber, RI Office of Higher Education
2012 SLDS P-20W Best Practice Conference Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall, Humpty Dumpty had a great fall. All the King's horses, And all the King's men Couldn't put Humpty together again! 2
2012 SLDS P-20W Best Practice Conference Build strong relationships o Nurture a strong network and statewide capacity o Insist on Equity - leave the agency at the door Relationships, Networks and Equity in Action: A Chronic Absenteeism Data Story The RI DataHub: How and Why it works for RI Lessons Learned and Next Steps O VERVIEW 3
2012 SLDS P-20W Best Practice Conference Build Strong Relationships 4
2012 SLDS P-20W Best Practice Conference Nurture a strong network and statewide capacity Longitudinal Data Analysis Committee o Includes: K12, postsecondary, private, and public o Community agencies, data organizations o Coming soon: labor and training o Student-centric Insist on Equity — leave the agency at the door o Co-chaired by K12 and higher education o Democracy is hard work o Equity ensures a single voice B UILD STRONG RELATIONSHIPS 5
2012 SLDS P-20W Best Practice Conference 6 Relationships, Networks, and Equity in Action: A Chronic Absenteeism Data Story
2012 SLDS P-20W Best Practice Conference Essential Question: What are the effects of chronic absenteeism in high school on post-secondary persistence and success? Not our first Essential Question absenteeism-college-persistence/1/ All Data Stories include Action Steps 7 R ELATIONSHIPS, N ETWORKS AND E QUITY IN A CTION
2012 SLDS P-20W Best Practice Conference 8 Open Indicators Consortium Collaboratively developed visualization software RI is a founding member RI ensures it tailors to the education field Users can upload data — or download software Registered users can link to existing data (Census) And WEAVE (Web-based Analysis and Visualization Environment) is free T HE RI D ATA H UB : H OW AND W HY IT W ORKS FOR RI
2012 SLDS P-20W Best Practice Conference Developed by ProvPlan - “Think and Do” NOT Agency-Centric RI DataHUB 101 Includes: Video tutorials, FAQs, tip sheets, users guides Full data dictionary with indicator cards Registered Users can create lists 9 T HE RI D ATA H UB : U SERS AND U SE
2012 SLDS P-20W Best Practice Conference T HE RI D ATA H UB : U SERS AND U SE 10 USER ToolFeatures BasicData StoriesGuided stories with pre-designed charts and tables Includes guided tool tips Provides Recommendations and Next Steps IntermediateReportsComplex, sort able charts and tables Users can change axes and indicators AdvancedWEAVEUser Sandbox Create ilists to use in WEAVE Must be registered Can upload data / Session History
2012 SLDS P-20W Best Practice Conference 11 Relationships ABSOLUTELY Matter Try to put yourself in your partner’s shoes Don’t be a bully Admit to your weaknesses Acknowledge broadly and sincerely Let the Data guide you If you build it, they may not come T HE RI D ATA H UB : C HALLENGES AND L ESSONS L EARNED
2012 SLDS P-20W Best Practice Conference A RI Sand Box: Providing Data to Researchers The Longitudinal Data Analysis Committee: New Members, revised focus A Research Center – Developing A sustained research agenda in RI RI D ATA HUB: N EXT S TEPS 12
2012 SLDS P-20W Best Practice Conference Contact information: Deborah Grossman Garber, Peg Votta, Rebecca Lee, Allison Camara, For more information on the RI DataHUB: OIC / WEAVE: RI DataHUB: Identifying SLDS Users and Uses: SLDS Brief SLDS Data Use Issue Brief IV: Techniques for Analyzing Longitudinal Administrative Data C ONTACTS & A DDITIONAL R ESOURCES 13