Merging Extended Learning Opportunities In After School With Intervention/Enrichment During the School Day Holmes Jr. High Cedar Falls, Iowa
As Principal at Holmes Junior High School in Cedar Falls, Iowa, I have been a strong advocate of After School programming since coming to Holmes in Nationally and locally, after school programs play an important role in the community. As many as 15 million children have no place to go after the school day ends, and studies show the hours of 3 to 6 p.m. are prime hours for violent juvenile crime and risky behavior. With the education reforms being discussed in Iowa at this time, After School programming combined with intervention and enrichment opportunities during the school day would seem to be a logical fit as part of a package that would be a cost effective way to improve student achievement while providing motivation for students to get engaged. I’ve learned it’s not about adding days or hours, but about motivation and engagement!
Vision of Holmes ECHOES and TIGER TIME Programs By forming collaborative partnerships between schools, businesses, private and public institutions, agencies, parents and the State of Iowa, we hope to motivate and engage ALL kids in “hands on” learning while closing the achievement gap and improving scores. See our story at this link:
ECHOES After School Program Defined: ECHOES started at Holmes in 2002 with a 21 st Century Grant. Four years later, we became self sustaining by combining drop out prevention and at-risk dollars, with collaborative partnerships in both the private and public business communities. ECHOES Afterschool Programs include: Academic Support, Enrichment Activities, Recreation, Health and Wellness and a Student Run Credit Union called the “Tiger Branch”. Programs being developed for include: First Tech Challenge (FTC) STEM and IOWA 4-H Collaborative Partners include: Cedar Falls Community Credit Union, U.N.I, CF Rec., Boys and Girls Club, ISU Extension, John Deere, Cedar Falls Schools, Iowa After School Alliance, Mid Iowa Food Bank, Fellowship of Christian Athletes, numerous parent volunteers.
“Tiger Time” Intervention/Enrichment Defined …Think back to when you were in school – don’t you wish you had time to work with your Math teacher on a hard concept, plan your next essay with an English teacher, extend your learning or learn a new craft or sport with a favorite staff member? Through Holmes Jr. High’s commitment to excellence, we want to ensure all students meet the expectation of the rigorous curriculum standards. By assisting students either through a flexible and targeted intervention or through extension and enrichment during a time of the day called “Tiger Time”, we are committed to helping students meet the essential course outcomes during the school day.
Enrichment Opportunities at Holmes during “Tiger Time” Holmes “Enrichment Opportunities” in addition to our “Plus Series” that occur during Tiger Time include: Enrichment Options: PLUS Series Exploring Scratch Fitness Plus Newspaper Club Study Plus Yearbook Photo Club Media Plus Spanish Club Career Plus Science Club ALPHA Plus Math Counts Club Book Club Knitting Club Art Club Brain Games
What Impact have the programs had? Students are engaged in learning and are receiving immediate intervention when not demonstrating proficiency in Essential Learnings. Students who “get it” are drilling deeper into curricular interest areas through enrichment. Attendance has improved and truancy is literally a non-factor. Our data shows we rank 1 st in Reading Comprehension scores, 2 nd in Math scores and 4 th in Science scores with FRL proficiency when compared with schools our size in Iowa.
Why Merge Extended Learning Opportunities in After School with Intervention-Enrichment during the School Day?