C ONTACT I NFORMATION The best way to contact me is through Wiki Page wiki.wikispaces.net/ wiki.wikispaces.net/
6 TH G RADE S OCIAL S TUDIES C URRICULUM Students will trace the development of human society from its origin through the Renaissance era. Students will explore patterns of change in continuity by focusing on the expansion of and the decline of civilizations, patterns of geography, and development of political, economic, and societal systems. Students will analyze and evaluate how foundations of society influence the modern era.
H ISTORICAL T HEMES We teach history to students chronologically, but we also have themes that connect content across all time periods. These themes will be used in all social studies class at Ridge Road (6 th -8 th grade) Change Interaction Adaptation Contributions Conflict Cooperation Diffusion Nationalism Movement Needs & Wants
R EQUIRED M ATERIALS 5 Subject Notebook: This will be used to create an Interactive Notebook. Agenda: Homework should be written daily by the student. Highlighters: Use for vocabulary, reading passages, testing GLUE: Continuous supply (needed for all year)
BYOT- B RING Y OUR O WN T ECHNOLOGY Forms are located on the school website. How will technology be used in Social Studies? Socrative will be used for test, exit tickets, quizzes, class participation, etc (formal and informal) PicCollage will be used to create posters and then groups will jigsaw to collect information Edmodo will be used for students to post assignments and PicCollages Discovery Education Techbook [website] Username: Student ID#_cms Password: Student ID# Questions/Concerns
W HAT IS 80% M ASTERY ? Every student should show 80% mastery on formal assessments (unit tests). If the student does not meet mastery they are required to attend tutoring and retest. What does tutoring look like? Tutoring can be in the classroom in a small group with the teacher Tutoring can be completed with a peer during class time Teacher will assign the peer tutor Tutoring can be before school on Tuesdays at 8:15 Must or send a note the Monday before the tutoring session.