T HIRSTING F OR G OD : M AJOR L EARNING FROM THE M INORS Obadiah Page 1433 Thirsting for a God of Action
Thirsty? G ETTING S TARTED ! Major Learning from the Minors. We start with Obadiah. Follow along with the reading schedule.
Thirsty? B EING R EAL AND G ETTING P ERSONAL Have you asked God to act, or speak, or show that he really cares and heard no reply?
Thirsty? O BADIAH B ACKGROUND FOR C ONTEXT 1. It is the shortest of all books in the Old Testament 2. His name means "Servant of Yahweh (Jehovah)". One of 13! 3. Written in 845 BC in the days of Jehoram ( B.C.), when Philistines and Arabians attacked Jerusalem - 2 Chr 21:8-10, It was written about Edom because of its pride and read by the Israelites.
Thirsty? B ACKGROUND FOR C ONTEXT 5. The Edomites were cousins to the Israelites because they were of the line of Esau but they did not get along and had history. 6. John Hyrcanus conquered them in 100 AD and made them Proselyte Jews which did not go over well. 7. Herod the Great was an Edomite and by 100 A.D., Edom as a race and nation had become lost to history
Thirsty? T HE O UTLINE : A. THE COMING JUDGMENT ON EDOM (1-9) 1. The decree has gone forth to the nations (1) 2. Deceived by pride in her location, Edom will be brought down (2-4) 3. Destruction will be complete (5-6) 4. Edom will be betrayed by allies (7) 5. Not even wisdom and might can save them (8-9)
Thirsty? T HE O UTLINE B. THE REASON FOR JUDGMENT ON EDOM (10-16) 1. For violence and un-brotherly conduct toward Jacob (10-11) 2. A rebuke against such conduct (12-14) 3. Therefore the "Day of the Lord" for them will mean receiving the same sort of treatment! (15-16)
Thirsty? T HE O UTLINE C. THE EXALTATION OF ISRAEL OVER EDOM (17-21) 1. Deliverance and holiness will be found on Mt. Zion, not Mt. Seir (17a) 2. The house of Jacob shall consume the house of Esau (17b-18) 3. The children of Israel will possess Edom and surrounding nations (19-20) 4. The ultimate rule will be that of the Lord's (21)
Thirsty? The Israelites wanted God to act and to punish their family who had been mean to them.
Thirsty? W AITING … Waiting on the Lord is not pleasant or easy but it is an aspect of faith. During our waiting we develop our faith by maturing our relationship with God through reading God’s word and prayer with honest communication asking for wisdom.
Thirsty? C ONSIDER T HESE P SALMS ! 10, 23, 28, 35, 59, 69, 109, 137, 139, 140. Psalm 10:1 says “Why, O Lord, do you stand far off? Why do you hide yourself in times of trouble?” but it ends in praising our God of action.
Thirsty? 2 P ETER 3:8-12 ON PAGE 1896 …9 The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise, as some understand slowness. He is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance…. …You ought to live holy and godly lives as you look forward to the day of God and speed its coming….
Thirsty? T HIRSTING F OR R EVENGE Romans 12:12-17 on page 1764 …: “It is mine to avenge ; I will repay,” says the Lord. Our God Is…
Thirsty? T HROUGH O BADIAH W E S EE T HAT … a. The prophets were not limited to Israel. b. God holds all nations, and all people, accountable for their actions. c. The message applies today. d. That our thirst for a God of action is filled through a relationship with Jesus and trust that he does not forget sin and that one day justice will be distributed.
Thirsty? N EXT W EEK ’ S S ERMON Learning from the Prophet Joel Thirsting for Our God of Salvation When Times Are Tough.